Chapter Five: [Pathways]

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"Who in fuck's sake are you?"

The boy looked at him, anger flaring in his eyes; clawing at his lips; eating at his words.

This was Luhan's first ever interaction with a coloured one, a human. A living breathing human. Technically he was too, but then again, he was just a spirit of one.

Struggling for a way to express himself, the words forming in his brain could not find a clear path to his lips. The words he had been meaning to say came out in a nonsense babble , only succeeding in irritating the boy further.

"Fine. If you won't talk I guess I have to. I'm Oh Sehun."

Happy that he could now put a name to the boy, Luhan managed a short reply. "I'm Luhan…" Sehun shut his eyes, and took a deep breath in a feeble attempt to calm himself. The air flowed into his lungs, and was then expelled from his body. Suddenly, he banged his fist down onto the benchtop, hard.

-Sehun's POV-

My fist met with the surface of the bench, and I felt a cracking sensation course through my arm.

But at this moment, I really did not care. I had much more important things on my mind right now, the stranger in my apartment being one of them. Who on earth was this boy, and what the hell was he doing in my kitchen? Luhan flinched and drew himself in smaller.

My breathing had sped up, so I took a few seconds to calm myself down.

I removed my fist from the bench, while crouching myself down to meet his height. I now realised that the lack of response from Luhan was caused by the fact that he was frightened. Hell, he looked just as confused as I was. As unlikely as it was, maybe he just went into the wrong apartment? I don't know. But as the answer wasn't just going to magically appear in front of me, I needed to find out for myself.

"Look, I'm sorry for my outburst just before. But seriously, please tell me what you are doing in my house." I spoke with a calm voice, trying to coax Luhan into giving a satisfactory response. Luhan's muscles visibly relaxed, and he began to speak.

"I have two versions of my story. You want the fake easy to believe one, or the true crazy impossible one?" Luhan raised his eyebrow as he spoke. I, on the other hand, pondered what he meant. I wanted the true story - he had ended up in my kitchen after all - but I don't know if I would appreciate what I heard. I don't have the slightest idea what I should pick.

Luhan's breathing suddenly became loud, in a bid to catch my attention.

As I had no more time to decide, I opted for both.

"Just tell me both. I will make my own judgements about what is believable or not."


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