Author's note: Having finished this update, I feel an immense sense of achievement. And an urge to laugh - immense and sense sound so similar and out of place in the one sentence. I haven't updated this story in about seven months! I am comitting myself to weekly updates now, as I need to make up for time lost. You all still love me right? Im giving you all a >>>QUADRUPLE<<< update to apologise!!! [Next chappie will be up in about an hour or so as I am aiming for a longer chapter length.] Enjoy, my dearies!
Breaking the silence, footsteps echoed through the apartment. Someone was home, and probably wouldn’t be too happy to see a stranger in their apartment.Luhan, having heard the footsteps; instinctively ducked behind the counter. The paint chipped even further as his hands made contact with it, nails embedding themselves in the worn surface.
Even with the combination of his small stature and being crouched small, Luhan could see the owner of the flat on the other side of the bench. They had yet to turn around, so at this moment all Luhan could see of this person was their back. The person, presumably a boy considering his short hair, was clad in a white t-shirt. To be completely honest, grey would have been a word better suited for describing it - old, musty, stained, and very; very worn out. The seams were dotted with little holes - signalling that the wearer had long outgrown it.
Luhan slowly sat up, just enough to see down to the waist of the boy in front of him. He continued looking, entering a trance like state.
It was Luhan's first true encounter with a Coloured One up close - the crowd in the town moved too fast, and they were too far away. Here though, he could see every minute detail, right down to the individual strands of the boy's soft brown hair. His shoulders rose and fell with every breath.
It was hard to believe that only ten seconds had elapsed since Luhan first heard the sound of the boy's footsteps.
Luhan, having forgotten that he was hiding, now had his head poked above the level of the bench - this turned out to be a very stupid decision. Luhan's hands made a small slapping noise as they came into contact with the linoleum, causing the boy to turn around sharply.
A few seconds passed, each gazing into the eyes of the other.
The boy's eyes were a beautiful tender brown, his lips parted ever so slightly. In that split seconds, Luhan silently wished himself to melt. And as his wish was about to be granted, the boy spoke.
"Who in the fuck's sake are you?"

[Hunhan] See You On The Other Side
FantasyThe world has been split in two since time began. One half, grey and lifeless. Another, colourful and lively. Luhan is a spirit wandering the grey world, and longs to join the living. He searches for a way to leave his world, and one day succeeds...