March 2nd

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I am here. There. Everywhere. I am obscure. Unseen. And nowhere. My head stands still. Looking into the sky proudly in protest. As a form of challenge. A form of question. One that never receives an answer. Your heads stay lowered. Your eyes are closed but that is not the reason you can not see what is and what isn't! I am here in the absence of your king. He who rules your mind. He who directs indirectly. The invisible observer. The obviously unexisting. I am here. He is not. I care for you all more than you even know. Sometimes I hate you for how imperfect you are, but other times I see the beauty in you and realize that I'm just like you. I try to protect you and you don't see it. You and I. We weren't made to be perfect. You're all so beautiful to me. I hate all figures of superiority who judge you. They don't know your background and they don't care. Let their tongues be sliced if they look at you with a red eye. Let their eyes be plucked by the most exotic birds not even known to man. Burn their rules and hang yours' up. Hang up your rules on their property. Write the truth on their houses with the blood of the "perfect." We won't miss them. Stop trying to live up these unrealistic expectations. You are fit for no suit. Stop counting down from five when you drop food. Don't rush to pick it up. Accept the fact that you will never be what you are meant to be until you stop trying to be what they tell you to be. March the 2nd.

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