The Love

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I love you ... three funny words.  Three words  some people just say it to get what they want...others actually mean it. Some people say them often so don't. Some it makes happy ..others it will hurt. Three little words that can do so much. Me? Yeah I  say these three little words. I don't say it often cause its hard for me to fall in love, but when I do I don't say it  often. I don't want the person I love to think  I say it just to say it. When I say these three little words they mean so much. When I say I love you I say it with all my heart.  When I say it know I trust you and i have faith you won't hurt me no matter what. When I say I love you I'm showing you that I care and I'm going to be there no matter what.  When you try and push me away I'm gonna pull you closer. When your in pain I'm gonna be in pain. When I say I love you know that I mean it with all my heart.

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