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My dear [Name],

I've been thinking about the album name "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life." Have you had yours already? Because I think I have.

Remember how when we were about fifteen, you woke me up really early and dragged me outside. I was really cold and asked you what you were doing, but you never did tell me. You dragged me out to some hill that looked out over a forest and forced me to sit down with you. I hugged you to keep us warm. You didn't seem to mind.

We waited, although at first I wasn't sure what for. We waited for the sun to rise, and as soon as the first rays appeared you squealed and made me look. We watched the sun together, huddling for warmth on top of a hill in the early morning. You told me you loved the sun and the light it gave you. You said you wished the sun was up all the time so I told you I'd be your sun so that it would be by you at all times. You agreed.

When did you stop thinking of me as your sun? Or did you never really think of me that way? I'm confused, [Name]. What was I to you? I hope that I at least meant something to you at one point, or else everything would have been a lie. I just want to have meant something to you once, no matter for how long.

Your sunshine,

Kim Taehyung

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