"I haven't done nothing!"

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Ariana's Pov__

I walked the shop letting my tears fall, not caring if I seen everyone. I don't want to see anyone I want to be alone, but then I want someone to hold me and say everything is going to be alright but I have no one. I feel so alone. I'm alone! Justin and Ryan and Chaz are so confusing I don't know if I can trust them. I don't even know them. Abby she has a perfect life parents who love her a husband, a child and then there's me, she can't look after me its not fair oh her-

"I'm sorry" I said to a man who I bumped into shaking my head to take the nerves away and the embarrassment.

"It's fine!" he smiled but it was a weird smile "Hey you're Ariana right?" I nodded but frowned in confusion.

"Yeah? How did you know that?" I asked cautiously. 

"You married to Justin Bieber" he said

"Oh, apparently I was. I can't rememeber I lost my memory a few months ago and my last memory was in 2010" I sighed and he nodded interested. "What's your name anyway?" I asked.

"Taylor" I nodded smiling lightly at him.

"That's a cool name" I said awkwardly and he laughed at me and I laughed too.

"Say's you Ariana" He mocked me and I laughed and smiled.

"I know, my name is for important people only so don't skit" I said in a warning tone and he laughed.

"Wanna get a coffee?" He asked I nodded, I just wanted a friend.

"Sure" We walked through the forest which was scary. I had a bad feeling about here. I felt like i had been here before but I ignored it and looked at Taylor. "So do you know Justin?" I asked.

"Yeah doesn't everyone" He laughed, why does he laugh at everything I say.

"No I mean personally" I said.

"Uh yeah, you could say that like he was friends with Manny and that" He said and I nodded remembering Justin telling me to stay away from him so I became nervous but ignored the feeling. "You don't remember nothing at all?" He asked

"Nope" I sighed

"That's good" he clapped his hands and I felt someone grab me and I frowned trying to push myself off them.

"Wait- what's going on? Get of me" I kicked the man in the balls but just to be grabbed by another man I panicked again. "HELP" I screamed no-one is going to hear me!

"Shut up" I felt myself getting punched then soon blacking out and only seeing darkness surround me.

I woke up in a room, shit! I'm tied up on a chair which was hurting my wrists because of the friction of the rope.

"You're awake" I seen a boy he was nice looking no he was super hot but he's a jerk if he's part of this so he can fuck off. I swear I wish I had strength. Or Justin. Why do I keep thinking about him?

"Who are you?" I asked in a sharp tone as I was furious.

"Manny" He smiled evilly I gasped a bit then gasped slightly. The one Justin told me I needed my memory to defeat.

"You're the one who sent me that text!" I spat and he nodded proud of himself and I frowned "But why?" I asked.

"I shot you, I obviously I wanted you dead" He shrugged. 

"I haven't done nothing!" I screamed. "Nothing to you anyway!"

"Nothing my ass!" He yelled spitting in my face as he screamed that loud. I got a little frightened. "You took Justin away from our gang! He fell in love with you, this business doesn't do love!" he spat centimetres away from my face causing me to gulp.

"I didn't make anyone fall in love with me! I dont know what business I don't know Justin! You can't help who you fall in love with." I spat back

"Yes you fucking did!!" he yelled "I am not dealing with your bullshit so, we're going to have some fun but first." He got out a knife and a video making me try move but I wasn't going anywhere. "Say hi to Justin, this will be my favourite video" He said and I cried.

"Help me please" I cried to the camera. If Justin loved me he would help me. "Stop I won't tell Justin. I don't know why I'm here you asshole" I yelled he slapped me got the knife and cut my check slowly and I yelped in pain.

"That's a nice video, enough to get Justin's blood boiling." He smiled and walked away, and I let the tears sting my cut.

Justins Pov__

I was sitting in Abby's and Chaz waiting for Ariana to come back with Ryan. I was becoming impatient and my phone went off. I frowned as I realised I got a video. Ariana was in it and she was with Manny! I looked at it the video tears running down my face as he was hurting my princess. I stood up. That bitch hurting my Ariana! 

"Guys Manny has her" I said

"What?" Abby gasped and I punched the wall in frustration leaving a hole in the wall but I didn't care at the minute.

"He has her! We've got to find her!" I shouted.

"Justin what is going on?" Chaz asked still confused as I hadn't explained yet so I shown them the video and Abby gasped as tears filled her eyes and one slipped causing her to wipe it quickly.

"My best friend" She said sadly but then she looked strong. "I'm coming" she said confidently.

"No, he's too dangerous you stay here make sure the baby is okay" She sighed but nodded understanding the job was dangerous.

"Where do you think he will be?" Ryan asked.

"I think I have an idea" I said watching the video and I gasped as I was certain of the location. "I know, lets go" And we ran to the old factory as I needed to kill that bitch.

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now