"What do you, love about me?"

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"Morning" I kissed justin

"Morning baby" He kissed me again

"Day off?" He nodded "We going the beach yes, no??" I said in a weird accent he laughed.

"Yep, and then I'm taking you out tonight" he smiled proud I shook my head and laughed

"That so?" He nodded 'okay well I'm going to get ready for the beach" I stood up "YO CHAZ RYAN ABBY GET YOO LAZY ASS'S UP!" I screamed Justin was laughing, I glared at him me and Ryan said sorry and made up with a hug and that we'll hate eachother again tomorrow.

There all waiting for me but I look super different today my hairs half up half down I look fine! Not to be big headed or anything I put a dress over my bikini just so I can slip it off when I'm at the beach "I'm ready!" I walked out the bus they all mumbled 'finally' 

"Ariana will you do my eyebrows now please" Abby asked I nodded.

"Sure" we sat down and I put the wax on I jumped and it when along her eyebrows "Oh shits" I mumbled I pulled the strip off and she had no eyebrows I gasped.

"What?" I gave her the mirror she looked at me like I'm going to kill you I got up took my dress of and ran 

"HELP HELP SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" I ran to Chaz Justin and Ryan 

"What who?" Chaz said 


"WHERE IS SHE" Abby shouted I screamed and ran shouting 'help please' I jumped in Justin's arm 

"Why is he trying to kill you?" Ryan asked

"Well she asked me to do her eyebrows and when I took the straps off there was a probelm" I said Abby turned around and looked at me I smiled weakly the boys were trying to hide there laugh.

"A problem? MY EYEBROWS ARE GONE" She said 

"NO THERE NOT THERE RIGHT HERE" I held the straps 

"Can I feel them?" Ryan asked I chuckled. 

"They feel weird look" I gave him the straps "Anyway because you love me and everything you can draw them on?" I smiled she sighed. 

"I'll go do them on the bus" she sighed I did a happy dance I noticed the hot boys were looking at me checking me out one came up to me.

"Want to play?" He licked his lips Justin and the boys had gone somewhere.

"I dont know you" I said 

"I know" He raised his eyebrows. he wants sex ew that's gross. Fuck boy.

"You're vile, YOU UGLY CREATURE" I shouted he chuckled.

"I know you want me" He said.

"I know I don't" I said in a mocking tone.

"Don't mock me bitch" He stood up straight.

"Or what?" I crossed my arms I went to jump on his and give him a punch but Justin picked me up "Let me go" I said.

"Told you, you want me"

"I wanna beat the shit outta you!" I said over Justin's shoulder we walked away Justin placed me on the floor I crossed my arms "You should of let me beat him" I said 

"No it would of been all over the news" he said "you should of ignored him and you do look hot almost everyone has checked you out" He said I sighed "Race you to the sea" Justin said.

"You're on Bieber" I said 

Ariana Bieber? It goes perfectly I love Justin and everything with my heart! Our kids I miss them. This is mine and Justin's first date! I got up and ran Justin won obviously I laughed he picked me up and spun me round.

"did I tell you that you look beautiful today" he said I nodded.

"Only like one million times" I giggled.

"I love you so much" he kissed me.

"What do you, love about me?" I said in a know it all answer.

"Your giggle, your laugh, your smile, your personality, your not afraid to say what you think, your voice-"

"I get it" I laughed "I love you too baby" I kissed him.

"Karaoke" I heard someone say "I heard Ariana Grande is here and I am obsessed with the way come sing it" 

I finished the song and everyone clapped "Thank you" I smiled and sighned autographs walking away "That was fun" I smiled 

"Our date is here now" He carried me to a picnic the sun was going down now I could see Justin was nervous "Anyway this is is what I want to give you" He pulled a ring out "You're my best friend and girlfriend I love you so much I thought we should wait to get maried because we're going through a rough time at the moment" I smiled tears coming out of my eyes "So this is a promise ring, I promise to love you untill the day I die I will keep you safe and I will surpport you in everyway" he said "As long as you promise you will marry me again someday" I smiled big wiping my tears.

"Y-yes" I hugged him big 

The end!

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now