"I love you"

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Arianas Pov___

I woke up in agony and in confusion. I don't understand what I've done ,I just don't remember anything I feel weird it is like my brain knows I have been alive but I ave no memories t is just all white and a blur! 

"You're awake" Taylor I looked at my stomach it was still bleeding, really bleeding I knew I wouldn't last long if it carried on like this. "Your boyfriend will be here soon" he said striking and I coughed slightly.

"My boyfrieind?" I said making sure he said is correctly because I don't have a boyfriend, or I don't remember having a boyfriend.

"Justin" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know a Justin or a Abby Chaz and Ryan! You keep mentioning them it is fucking annoying. I don't know where my mom and dad are I remember my brother a little bit" I said trying to make out the blurs in my memory.

"Your bother left you when you were ten sweetie want to see him?" He asked 10? How old am I now? I nodded slowly because I was terrified.

"Hey Ari" A boy came out and I didn't recognise him so I frowned.

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm your brother Adam" he said

"I don't remember you" I looked away he looked me up and down and he seen the blood were I'd been stabbed and he gasped.

"You said you would hurt my little sister" He yelled at Taylor "I'm so sorry for leaving you Ariana"

"Who the fuck is Ariana?" I asked shouting "You keep bringing her up!" I shouted in pain.

"Don't fucking tell me you used the fucking gas were she wouldn't remember anything!" He yelled at Taylor and he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up" He shot my brother, and I screamed loud and my heart began beating fast.

"Oh my God!" I yelled and he stabbed me again "why you doing this" i said getting weaker my eyes were closing i have to stay awake, I have to be strong.

"Because Justin bieber and Ryan Butler used to be in my pac, they found there mates and left I soon found out that it was you so I'm tortured you and you shot my boss" he smiled evilly

"Bu't I dont remember" My voice faded off and I soon blacked out due to not being able to be strong for longer.

Justins POV___

'Were It all started' 

I got a text were it all started... the Factory!

"The factory it's here stop now" I jumped out the car and they followed me

"There's Taylor carrying a body" Chaz said and Abby gapsed

"that's Ariana's brother!" she whispered

"She's in there Abby you get Ariana with Chaz me and Ryan will go get Taylor" Abby nodded and ran.

Abbys Pov___

I ran to the room were Taylor came out and I seen a weak body couching out blood on the floor tied to a pole it broke my hear "Chaz she's here" we ran to Ariana

"Oh no"

"What?" I asked

"you smell that?" he asked and I nodded "It's a gas it makes you forget everything in your life" I looked down and cried "Lets get her to a hospital" I nodded

"Ariana" She looked at me weakly she was pale and bruises all over her face two stab wombs "Are you okay?" she nodded.

"Don't hurt me" She whispered sounding so so weak and it broke my heart.

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now