"Glad to be back"

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Arianas Pov__

I have been sat in this freezing cold room of torture for two hours! While I've been here I've been hit physically, called a bitch, I had been touched! My clothes are everywhere I feel disgusting and violated. He's videoed everything he has done to me and sent it to Justin to try and wind him up and he has had nothing back so I don't think he cares. Manny said I've got one more hour and if he's not here then he kills me. I began to loose hope.

I heard a door getting knocked down and then Justin Ryan and Chaz all ran in as they all looked at me in joy when they seen me but all of a sudden three men grabbed hold of them. I looked up at them in worry and they started to cry the pain's unbearable my head started to become dizzy as visions came through my mind. I looked so young. It was all a blur.

"Justin Drew Bieber if it isn't you" He laughed making me focus in the conversation he was having with Justin "Your girlfriends good in bed" He laughed making me feel more disgusting about myself and Justin tried to go at him but he was getting held on to.

"You little bitch" Justin screamed and Manny laughed at him.

"What do you want" Chaz asked him causing him to smirk.

"You guys dead" He said in an obvious tone. "You are betrayers" My blood was boiling and I snapped.

"No! You are a sick bitch! I hate you, you have ruined my life go burn in hell you horrible excuse of a human!" I screamed but then regretted it he walked over and slapped me across the face causing me to yelp in pain.

"I will find love after I kill your pathetic boys" He got a gun and I panicked. My memory was a blur I remember most things my head was spinning but I wanted to protect my best friends.

"No wait" I said and he looked at me "Why don't we make a deal?" I asked and he looked at me interested.

"Ariana no" Justin said begging me to stop talking but I looked at him with pity.

"I'm listening!" He said

"I'll become your slave!" I said. "Leave them alone and I will become yours"

"Ariana, no stop it!" Ryan shouted at me but got elbowed in the stomach and told to be quiet making me want to persuade him quicker.

"But you have got to let these go" I said making my point clear.

"I'm interested... Why dont we shake on it?" He put his hand out I looked at his hand and shook it.

"No please take me it;s not fair please!" Justin shouted as tears ran down his face.

"Too late, we have a deal Justin. You can't do anything" He smiled evilly and Justin was still crying.

"I remember now" I smiled weakly at him and he tried to catch his breath. "I love you Justin remember that please" He nodded sniffing telling me he loves me too and they were pushed out of my sight.  

"You're a stupid girl Ariana" He said I glared at him he untied me "You can watch them die" He laughed I panicked and seen a gun in his pocket I reached for it and to my surprise I got it.

"Let them go" I said sternly.

"or what?" He spat and I shot him in the head...

I knocked the door down "put them guns down or you'll die and I mean it your boss is already dead" Justin Ryan and Chaz look up at me I shot the people dead and untied Ryan Justin and Chaz.

"He's dead" Ryan asked

"Yeah, my shot was pretty awesome" I smiled proudly

"But please let's go I wanna see baby Jason" I said they looked shocked but ran. We heard gun shots I screamed but ran anyway "STUPID MOTHER FUCKERS" I scream frustrated and shot them I'm not a murderer it's self defence!

We got home out of breath 

"Oh my god Ariana you're okay" Abby said "I seen the videos that dick head raped you" She said and I sighed

"He's dead" Justin said I looked at him smiled then kissed him he was shocked but kissed back feeling sparks sly everywhere.

"You remember everything?" he asked with hope in his eyes.

"Most of it, but some of it is still a blur" i said and smiled weakly and he nodded kissing my check causing me to blush.

"We're just glad your back" Chaz said and hugged me

"I'm glad to be back" I smiled then they all hugged me "I still feel empty" I said

"It's fine really" Justin said and I sighed.

"I don't remember everything just that you was my husband your married to Chaz and Ryan likes me that's it nothing else but I don't wanna know anything let me figure out?" They nodded

"Yeah sure" They all nodded.

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now