Morgia meets the Elements of Harmony

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Chapter 3 

Perilously on Luna and Her two special friends.

Morgia was about to bring the end of Princess Celestia, but she ran away.  Once she sends her servants after her she hears hooves closing in, but she smiles and wants them to come in so she sits on the throne and waits. once she waited the elements of harmony bearers came and said " Princess Celestia, we came to help you. " Then Morgia says " Princess  Celestia is not here, you just missed her." Then Twilight says" Who are you and what did you do with the Princess. " Then Morgia says " I am Morgia the Enchantress and for your information, she's currently somewhere else right about now." Then one of the guards said, " Miss Twilight she is the enemy that came to attack the princess along with her servants."  Then Morgia said, " It's  true I'm the one that attacked here, but don't  worry she is not dead not yet anyway." Twilight says " What did you do to the princesses!" Morgia says" Princess  Luna is some were in the area,  and Princess Celestia is currently out there fighting my servants. "

 Then Twilight says " We will stop you, right girls." Rainbow says " Yeah that's what I am talking about!",  Pinkie Pie says " Okey' doky' loky.  "and starts laughing,  Rarity says " Oh Right Darling.  ",  Fluttershy says " oh my I'll try my best." then eeps,  Then Apple Jack says " YE HA Let's Do this." Then the rest of the guards says " We're right behind you Miss Twilight." Morgia says " Then feel my wrath Twilight and the elements of harmony." Then Twilight and the others used the Elements and blasted at Morgia. They thought that it defeated her, but It seemed that she blocked it. Morgia laughs and says " You can do more than that."  so they started to attack directly. And for each time they attack Morgia, it seems that she is having trouble dealing with them so she tries to do it separately. Morgia tries to hit the weak one, so she aims for Fluttershy, but Rainbow dash saw it and blocked the attack.

 The others screamed " RAINBOW DASH! " Fluttershy cried and says " Oh my, are you ok Rainbow, can you hear me,  say something."  Rainbows said, " Yeah I'm fine it's  just a scratch, No biggie." Rainbow Dash tries to get up but she falls down on her side.  Twilight Sparkle said, " Don't get up your hurt, Sirs get Rainbow dash out of here." The guards said, " Yes, Miss Twilight." as they pick Rainbow Dash up the ground and took her to the Medic bay. Twilight says " Girls, you go to." Rarity says " Why Darling." Then Apple Jack says " We can handle her Sugar Cube,  together." Then Twilight said " No, I Don't want you, girls, to get hurt, I'll  beat her myself, while you guys take care of Rainbow dash. " Then Pinkie Pie's hair went flat and says " But Twilight,  what about you.  " Then Twilight says " I will find a way Pinkie just take care of Rainbow, Okay." Then the others cried and ran to keep Rainbow safe. Morgia Laughs and says " You mean to say that you can defeat me,  that is just Laughable."  and laughs again. Twilight said, " I will Defeat you even if it means Death." Then Morgia says " So be it." then they battled.

To be Continued.    

Luna and Her two Special FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now