Chapter 3

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Donnie woke up to screaming. He quickly picked his head up and lunged for the door, opening it to see Raph running out of Mikey's room.

"Ah! Get it off get it off!" He screamed, tripping over a pizza box and landing face first in front of the TV.

Leo stuck his head out of his room. "Raph what is it this time?" He groaned, obviously woken by Raph's yelling as well

Raph was shaking. "So... Many... Roaches..." He murmured.

Donnie frowned. He walked into Mikey's room and pushed open the door.

Raph was right. A group of 20 or so cockroaches were ambling around the cluttered room.

Donnie hit himself in the head. "Of course! Mikey is sick because he's getting exposed to a bunch of different illnesses. They must be building up in his body to create some sort of super virus." He turned to Leo, who just gave him this look. Donnie sighed. "These roaches are the cause of Mikey getting sick. They carry germs with them and can give you the sickness with just a touch."

A small flame of anger sparked in Leo's eyes. "You mean Mikey is sick because he won't clean his room?" He asked in a low voice.

"More or less- wait Leo!" Leo stormed off to the lab. Donnie chased after him.

Mikey was awake, still laying on the table with his eyes closed. He would let out a soft cough every so often. Leo stormed in. "Mikey how many times have I told you to clean your room?!" Leo yelled.

Donnie chased after him. "Leo wai-"

"Don't. Interfere," he snarled. Donnie stopped in his tracks.

Mikey looked at his oldest brother. "I-I don't know... A lot?"

"Yeah a lot! Now look whats happened! We've been worrying our shells off over a stupid illness you got because you WONT CLEAN YOUR ROOM!" He screamed.

"Leo cut it out," Donnie urged. But it was too late. Mikey's bottom lip quivered for only a few seconds before tears leaked out and he started to cry. Sobs intermingled with wet coughs, wheezing and other alarming sounds.

Leo finally stopped, staring at his younger brother with guilty eyes.

"Leo why didn't you stop when I  told you to?" Donnie asked, coming over beside Mikey and rubbing his shell softly.

Leo looked away, rubbing the back of his neck guiltily. "I was mad..."

"That's no reason to yell at him," Donnie retorted.

Leo sighed. "He just... I just..."

Raph slowly crept in, eyes wide. "Wh-what happened?" He stammered.

"Leo yelled at Mikey." Donnie suddenly realized Mikey had fallen silent. He looked over to see his mouth open slightly, eyes filled with fear. "Mikey?!" He called, alarmed. Mikey just made this subtle choking sound. Donnie quickly sat him up and wrapped his arms around Mikey's torso, hugging him abruptly. Air quietly escaped through his throat but nothing came out. Panicked, Donnie tried the Heimlich maneuver again. Again, nothing.

Donnie was full blown crying at this point, arms getting weaker and weaker.

Finally realizing what was happening Raph lunged forward, unwrapping Donnie's arms and punching Mikey in the stomach- hard.

Mikey coughed a large clump of spit and mucus into Raph's face and resumed his uncontrollable sobbing.

Raph wiped the gooey liquid from his eyes and wrapped his arms around his youngest brother. "Sh it's gonna be okay."

"L-L-Leo... Yelled at me," he whispered.

"I know he did. And he's sorry okay?"

Mikey sniffed, nodding slowly. He couldn't stop his crying but he had calmed down considerably.

Donnie wiped his wet eyes and watched Raph rock back and forth with Mikey cradled in his arms. He sniffed and stood up. "Leo could you help me with something?"

Leo looked up, nodding.

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