Chapter 8 ~ I was about to tell you the truth.

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*Two weeks after Taeyeon and Lance goodbye*

Lance got to his company which his mother was waiting for him in his office. "Mother, how are you?" Not sure that he wanted to know.

"I'm fine, could be better." She was starting to get angry at her son.

"Why didn't you stay at home and rest?" Lance tried to comprehend his mother behavior.

"Your statement on Hillings Empire's new plan from the order day is all over the country did you know it?" His mother voice was stern and he could feel the tension in it.

"Yes I'm aware about that. But I manage to take care about this matter already. Don't worry."

"Jan Di is bouncing between her studies and your stupid plan; can you be more intelligent next time?" Mrs. Hillingsbrook stated to raise her voice.

Lance was taken aback and stunned by his mother sentence although the woman never took real care of him, Lance used to think that his mother was always mindful and caring about him. But this time it was enough. And he couldn't stand it anymore.

"And what was your plan? Did you think I got a choice by doing that? Jan Di is back against the wall. The only thing that you care about was you! We are all your children and you never once ask us how we were doing? What was ours dreams? The only thing that you care about was our images and our family reputation!" Which earn him a slap on the cheek.

"You shouldn't have created Hillingsbrook. You are your father's hope and pillar, he counted on you to take back the Empire but you only betray him." Lance's mother anger is really no joke.

"If only you and father let me live my dream once!" Lance shouted back at his mother.

"Don't make us feel guilty about your choices you were old enough to decide whether is good or not for your own." The tension was back ten years ago when he asked his parents to attend the most prestigious law school in Paris.

"Please leave. I've heard enough it's always the same story with you always want the best for me but you never try to understand me. I have works to do." Lance didn't want to persist on this topic he will clearly know that his mother will try to force to marry a girl for the sake of his father company; meanwhile he is in love with Taeyeon.

"Don't play it that way Lance. You clearly know that against us you will never win if it about your love life or your professional life."

"My love life? It's perfect the way it is you don't need to find me any random girl from father parteners!" Lance glared at his mother. "I know what you are up to, please don't."


Taeyeon was sulking in the waiting room while waiting for the group stage performance. Tiffany and her didn't talk to each other since two week and she didn't see Lance either they were so busy to make time for each other.

Tiffany was still wondering who was the person her best was hugging, the other day. But she decided to stay silent and not asked Taeyeon; she felt the tension and changing behavior in Taeyeon. She wanted to caught Taeyeon in her own lies.

Seohyun got close to her. "Taeyeon onnie you are spacing out a lot lately, what's wrong?"

Taeyeon looked at her and smiles to give insurance. "I'm good, don't worry it is just I'm a bit tired."

"You are sure? Tiffany and you didn't talk to each other did you guys have a fight?"

"I was a bit cold with her. So she got upset"

"I don't know what gotten with you but I hope you make up soon."

Taeyeon smiled at Seohyun cuteness. "Yes don't worry. Actually I have something to confess to you but you have to promess me not to tell anyone even Tiffany onnie."

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