24. Starlight Starbright

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"Kasey! Kasey!" the paparazzi screamed as I stepped out of the nail salon. They follow me everywhere these days. "Tell us what your inspiration for keeping in shape is?"

"Tell us about your diet!"

"Tell us about you. Are you seeing anyone? How is life treating you?"

Not even sparing them a glance, I stepped into the backseat of the car and let the driver take off. Relieved, I leaned back in my seat, pulling out my phone. Three months have passed since I've moved out of Jace's apartment and been on my own. My log was released two months ago and it's been a huge success. Everyone is dieting and tweeting about their results. I even have a hashtag: #KaseyCakes. For if you eat right you'll have an ass like mine. It's stupid but whatever works.

"You are to sit down with Ellen Thursday and The View on Monday," my publicist Khadijah reminded me. I never thought she and I would be working so closely together but it's been quite the journey.

Sighing, I stared out the car's window. "Yeah, I haven't forgotten." I looked back down at my phone, biting my lip.

"Kasey please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing." She gave me the evil eye and I gave a sheepish smile, guilty as charged. She rolled her eyes.

On my phone screen is a beautiful picture of Justin. My first boyfriend, my first ex-boyfriend, my first love, and the now super successful architect. He is standing next to a completed blueprint. His hair is perfectly ruffled, his eyes are shining, and he looks so proud. Dressed in only the best, he is the cover story in The Dallas Morning News.

The lead reads, "The Arlington Performance Arts Building is set to begin construction due to blueprints being finalized Wednesday."

This is all he ever wanted and it is finally happening. He finally did it. "How do you know what I'm doing?" I mumbled, staring at Justin's eyes in the photo.

"Really? I'm a woman, Kasey. You're sitting here moping around about Justin, which you have been doing for the entire three months you haven't been together. You have all articles and information of Justin tagged on your phone and the feed of him pops up as soon as something new is released. I only know this because as your publicist I have that on my phone for you as well as Justin. I see all of the same articles and information that you see." Khadijah snatched my phone out of my hand, confirming her theory. "My question is, why do you continue to torture yourself?"

Looking up at the ceiling of the car, I said, "I don't know, okay! I mean sometimes I feel like what I did was right. I realized I can be successful on my own, I can be independent. But then I feel like what I did was wrong because I see him in the media and he looks so great and he's succeeding in all that he has ever wanted to succeed in and I'm not there to share it with him."

"You need to make up your mind."

"Please, it's Justin. He's probably back to sleeping with things one through three and has forgotten all about me." I know that's only partially a lie, but whatever helps convince me that I can't be stupid enough or selfish enough to try and crawl back to him when I broke his freaking heart.

With what looked like quite the internal struggle, Khadijah turned to face me, placing a hand on my knee. "I know I promised when I decided to become your publicist that I wouldn't discuss Justin because I'm first and foremost biased and I also didn't want to get all in your personal life unless it affects your image. But, if you think he's running around all happy sleeping with eligible bachelorettes then you did not know him at all."

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