25. Left Behind

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Knowing I won't get a chance to check my phone till possibly tomorrow morning, I stared at my phone forlornly. It has been a month since I last texted Justin and he never responded. I mean, I didn't really expect him to especially considering how I didn't respond to his message that he sent me months before that. Also considering how dull he sounded on the phone at the mention of my name. Can't forget how I broke up with him and tore out his heart.

It seems like I'm constantly stepping on it and I don't want to hurt him anymore. I figured my best option is just to stay away from him and he'll eventually move on, hell he probably already has. I think I've moved on, I mean I'm dating Richard Moore and things are great. He takes me out, albeit works a lot. I work a lot too but I make time for him. I hang out with Charlotte and Milly who are super weird nowadays. They are always together. I'm kind of confused on how they are closer to each other than to me when they met shortly after I met them. They are complete opposites but they obviously get along great so who am I to judge?

Jace is a nonfactor in my life and it's like my skin is clear, my butt is bigger than ever, and my bank account is even larger. Disbanding myself from her was the best decision I ever made. Who knows what she's doing with her life. She's probably still kissing Nicolette's ass.

Looking down at the time, I took one last look at myself in the mirror. Dressed in a bi color fitted cady gown, I turned to the side to admire the split that exposes my right leg. The dress is mostly black with white at the top of the shoulders and in a diamond pattern on the sides of the torso. On my feet are a pair of Saint Laurent Jane patent leather sandals. I paired the dress with a Pandora chain wallet purse and Givenchy skull pendant earrings. On my hand are simple silver rings and my hair is full and blown out to frame my face. My lipstick is pale and I did light eye shadow and eyeliner with heavy contour.

Tonight is the Top Twenty Five Most Successful Youth of Texas Event and it's a huge deal. Unfortunately, they haven't leaked who is all invited or what number I am on the list. All I know is that I am in the top twenty five and I'll meet up with the other twenty four when I arrive. It's all so secretive.

"Kasey?" Richard called out from the bathroom of the luxury suite.

"Yes?" I answered, fiddling with my freshly manicured hands.

"Can you call for the driver? I am still working on this tie."

With a roll of my eyes I said I would do so and then changed my mind, storming into the bathroom instead. "Let me help and then you can call the driver." I smiled, grabbing his tie and undoing the mess he made of it.

"You look nice, Kasey." He smiled down at me and I looked up, amused.

"That's it? Just nice?" I snorted.

He cocked his head to the side. "Would you prefer a more grandeur adjective? They all mean the same thing, Kasey." He laughed.

Sighing, I let it slide. He always fails to make me feel...sexy. We have this grand suite at the Ritz-Carlton with an amazing view of the city of Dallas. Tonight should be the night, the one where we finally do it. Yet, I am nowhere near close to being that comfortable or excited. Hell I'm not even nervous about it, it's just not on my mind. I haven't thought about it not once. Not once has he ever made me feel aroused, I don't get that itchy feeling or the need to close my legs. He's just not...sexy. He's just kind.

"Thank you." He kissed the top of my forehead as I patted his finished tie down. I smiled and he grabbed for his phone, his tux clean and crisp. "I'll tackle the driver."

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