Hello, and welcome to everything that has ever gone wrong in my life. Literally. Everything in here, is my life. Sadly, all of the essays and stories in this very thick novel are true, however, they make a great fireside story. What's that? You bought this for the kids? Oh hell no. Return this book ASAP. But thanks for the donation. It's not that I have anything against kids, considering I am still considered a "kid", I'm just warning you that if you want anyone under the age of twelve to grow up as a decent, well behaved, well mannered spunky teenager... DO NOT GIVE THEM THIS BOOK! Hide it in your liquor cabinet if you have to! Oh wait... yeah... don't do that either.
This book is the modern relatable everything for teenagers. We all know what happens in our adolescent years, and it's not fun. But, you can make the most out of it and scribble down the most hilarious moments of it in a book to make others smile even if you weren't smiling then.
If you are in this novel, I am sorry. Not really, but thanks for the free inspiration. Your name has been altered and the events have been slightly modified to keep everyones panties "unwadded" and where they need to be. Don't be upset that you're in my book. Maybe you shouldn't have called me a "grade 'A' hoe" in middle school. Oh yeah bitch. I remembered who you were. By the way, what's a "grade 'A' hoe"?
Also, this book is not to get back at anyone for something they have done to me in the past. This is not the Michael Stone version of "The Burn Book". I am not blasting anyone. All of these events had happened in public, so just incase you missed out on these entertaining and jaw-dropping events when they actually occurred, think of these short stories as recaps for all the times you missed someone call me a "faggot" in the hall way. What are you doing now Mr. Faggot Caller Dude Who Is Too Cool To Actually Be A Faggot? Oh, you're not writing a book? You dropped out of school? Sucks. Cause you're in MY BOOK.
In all seriousness, this book is not intended to hurt or embarrass anyone. These situations are very well modified and the names are not even close to being any type of alias to the original name. These events are in the past, and I am one-hundred-percent over it. Girl... I'm over it honey.
HumorThis is my life. Literally. Everything in here, is my life. Sadly these are all true, but they make a great fireside story. What's that? For the kids? Oh hell no. Return this book ASAP.