Chapter 1 - Home

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Finally I was home. I almost felt whole with my father by my side and my mother in my arms. Yet my friends had gone away, Larry, teddy, Dexter. All gone and of course Belen but then again I was never going to get her back. My heart pained just of the mer thought of never seeing her again. My sweet lover Belendah. She died on are wedding day. She was in a small wooden shack tending to her horse when it mysteriously set on fire the horse got out and lashed about causing a panic and people ran to put out the fire but where to late and all that remained was the crown and scarab necklace she once wore she had no body left so the tablet never worked on her and I lost my Belendah, my mother must of sensed my pain because she looked up at me with worry staining her eyes. They where not shining like the jewels they where moments ago.
"What is wrong my son?"
I looked away from my mother I couldn't let her see me in this state, not only that but she and Belendah where such good friends that my mother was almost as heartbroken as I when we found she was dead.
"Ahkmenrah do not ignore your mother when she has asked you a question." My father bellowed from the other side of the room.
Now I thought about it Belen had a connection with my father to. She was the only woman my father saw fit to be my queen and she was the only one who would side with him when he had done wrong, the first to forgive him and the first to show us how to as well.
Soon all my thoughts bundled up in to one mess of sorrow and I couldn't stop myself from sobbing. My sobbing soon turned in to crying.
"Ahkmenrah, my son, what is wrong?" By this point my tears filled my eyes so much that couldn't see what my mothers face was like but I could tell by her voice she was truly concerned for me.
I had to tell her.
"It's just we are all together again except..."
"...Except Belendah." My father finished. I wiped my eyes and looked first at my father, he looked disappointed but not at me, at himself. He was ashamed of himself for not connecting her to the tablet sooner, he had insisted we be married before he connected her. My mother, she looked as if she was about to cry along with me but she held it together. We all joined together for a hug, all except Belendah. My eyes prickled with tears again but I refused to let it get to me. I needed to be alone.
"I need some air." I spoke to my mother as I backed away from the circle of arms and turned to walk away. I got about three feet away when I heard my mother call from behind me.
"Ahkmenrah come back, where are you going?"
I couldn't talk, if I tried to speak I would choke.
I'm going somewhere alone to clear my head mother.

I found an exit to the roof of the building and went up it. It was the only place I could be alone, or so I thought.
As I approached the corner of the door frame I could feel the breeze of cool night air and hear someone humming, it sounded a lot like a song I knew but I put that thought aside.
"Hello, who is there?" I called out as I came round the corner.
"Oh! Hello. I didn't think anyone knew about this place." A feminine voice spoke from a shaded area full of plants on the roof top.
"I was just wandering and I found it. Apologies for intruding." I responded to the girl.
"That's quite alright." She sounded sincere and rather calm.
"Do you mind coming out I can't really see you there." I wanted to be able to she her for her voice sounded very familiar but I couldn't quite place it to a face.
"Sorry, it's just the dark is good at hiding people's pains and sorrow."
"Pains and sorrow? You don't seem upset."
"yet you are on this roof with me and there is clearly something troubling you. Else there wouldn't be tears down your cheeks."
She stepped out of the dark and looked up at me. She wore a striking resemblance to someone I once new. Belendah?

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