Chapter 8 - The dream

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I clicked send email, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.
"Why are you crossing you're fingers?" Alex questioned.
"I'm hoping I get in to my chosen university." I answered.
It turns out Alex was an orphan so he took me to his orphanage and I adopted him it took forever to get the applications but we got there eventually.
It had also been three weeks since I had seen ahk because apparently his parents where just about as clingy as a sloth on a branch and while his parents where superglued to his side I couldn't speak to him.
I just hope tonight goes differently. 
I suddenly yawned very loudly and began to feel extremely tired. Alex looked at me and smiled. Then he pulled my hand until I was finally standing and then dragged me to my bedroom.
"You look tired, you should probably sleep." I nodded and gave him a hug then climbed in to bed.
"What are you going to do?" I questioned.
"I might just read, I'll wake you up if that university says anything." He replied. I mouthed thank you and he gave me one last hug then strolled out of the room and closed the door. I lay back and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

I awoke in a room full of pillars and sand stone walls with Egyptian hieroglyphics all over them I soon realised it was the second dynasty of Egypt. Slowly, my eyes drifted across a sentence in hieroglyphics that I understood. soon I realised I could read and understand all the hieroglyphs in the room. Then I read out one of them aloud.
"Daughter of ra reborn." I clutched my throat. I was speaking clear fluent Egyptian.
What. The. Fuck!?
I turned round on what I now realised was a bed and looked at the barren space that clearly had someone in it not too long ago. I suddenly felt the urge to find this person. Having one last scan around the room I noticed two head stands one with a princess's crown on it and one that had nothing on it. The one with the crown ,that I'm guessing is mine, had the name Belendah underneath it, was that not the name ahk had mentioned? Under the other was Ahkmenrah. I felt my eyes bulge and mouth open slightly when I saw his name. What was ahk doing in my dream?
Steadily, I got up and strolled toward an arch ,with a small layer of silk hanging from the top, and stepped outside. A cool breeze hit me and cooled my core temperature right down. As soon as I was out I looked back at the door and saw 'Ahkmenrah's quarters' in big bold hieroglyphs. I took a deep breath in and wandered down the hall.
So it was ahk I was looking for.
"Belendah?" Someone shouted from where I'd just come from but I didn't recognise their voice. Wait Belendah. That's me? I spun round and instantly noticed the person who had called 'my name'. Mostly by illustrations and hieroglyphics but I still knew him. At least I felt like I knew him.
"Yes?" I questioned, trying to keep my cool.
"Your walking about." He said as if what he was trying to say was obvious. I raised my eyebrows.
"Without you're crown." He added gesturing to the doorway.
I plodded over to the room and entered and walked toward the crown there was a water bowl in between the two head stands. I guessed it was a mirror so I put on the crown and checked it in the 'mirror'. Kahmunrah followed me in.
"Why are you up? And where is my brother?" He questioned.
"I don't know. I'm going to look for him." I answered as blankly as I could and looked at his face. I met his eyes and all I could see was never ending turmoil. No wonder he became one of the most hated pharos in Egypt. Carefully I slid round him and back out of the makeshift door. I heard footsteps follow from behind me. It seems he is not leaving me alone. I turned to him and shot daggers with my eyes. He flinched slightly as if I'd actually hit him with real daggers, then he straightened his face.
"Why don't you just go back to bed and wait for him, maybe even fall asleep." He questioned. The next thing that came out of my mouth had completely ditched my brain.
"I can't sleep without him." I could of sworn that wasn't even me speaking. Suddenly, kahmun's face tuned stern and heated as if he was about to stick a knife in my side.
"Why don't you come to my quarters?" He said while gesturing backwards and smirking. I felt my eyes almost bulge out of my sockets. I turned, and I ran. I didn't get too far before a hand clutched my wrist. I yelped. He looked me up and down then an evil smile spread across his lips. He went to grab my thin white dress but I kicked him in the balls before he could get to close. I knew too well that it's illegal to hurt a king or prince of Egypt but by the looks of it I'm already married or soon to be married to ahk and his brother is currently trying to rape me.
I took off running again and he instantly got up and followed. Jesus dude take a hint!
I got as far as what seemed like the throne room before he caught up with me again. This time he wrapped his arms around my waist and clung on tight. I struggled and writhed to get out of his iron grasp but I just couldn't.
"Kahmun! What in Egypt are you doing to belen?! Get off her!" I heard i voice wail from the other end of the room. I don't even have to look up to know it was ahk but Kahmunrah did. In his moment of shock his grip loosened and i wrenched free. Instantly, I turned and ran in ahk's direction. When I met him I didn't hesitate to fling my arms around his broad shoulders and cry into his chest. Hell I'd almost been raped by his brother, who could blame me. I felt his arms wrap round me in a vice like grip. But not a bad one like his brother's this one made my feel safe and secure. By now kahmun had walked up to us and out of instinct and fear I gripped ahk's robes tighter. He must of sensed that because he started rubbing circles on my back. Then I herd a side of ahk I'd never known before.
"What did you do!" He hollered. His voice was a mix of pain, worry, anger, hatred and most startling of all love. It was as if ahk could kill his own brother just for threatening to rape me.
"SHE kicked me!" He screamed painlessly as if he couldn't give two shits that I could get killed for that.
"She wouldn't dare unless you provoked her!" Ahk yelled in my defence. "What did you do!" He quickly added. Kahmunrah was about to open his mouth when I interrupted.
"HE tried to use me!" I put as much emphasis on the word he as I could while pointing directly as him. I saw ahk's face turn bright red, and not a good red at that. He was pissed and you could tell. Then he shouted at his brother;
"Why you little son of nekhbet! I'll kill you!" Ok so instead of son of a bitch it's son of nekhbet in Egypt. Ahk moved me to one side and leaped at his brother. I gasped and shouted his name. He only grabbed the nearest to him and hit kahmun across the head. He begun to bleed. Oh crap what did I start. I'd never even seen ahk like this before, to be honest it was quite terrifying. "Ahkmen!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Instantly I added, "Stop it!". I tried to grab his wrist, his arm, his shoulder or anything for that matter but his hand with the pole in it flung backward and smacked me in the face. I cried out and clutched my nose. Pulling my hand away I saw blood covering it. Great!
"Belendah!" I heard ahk shout. He crouched down to my level and went to touch my nose. I smacked his hand away without hesitation and stared at him point blank with what I'm guessing is a 'I hate you fuck off' face. instantaneously I got up and walked past both of them as if I was the Queen of Sheba. If Tilly was here right now she would of phoned the police reporting me for high levels of sass. To my disadvantage i was looking straight down because of my nose bleed so I walked face first into the king and queen, getting blood over the queen's dress.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry Shepseheret." I quickly apologised.
"No, no it's quite alright. Why are you bleeding what happened?" She questioned. I just looked behind me. Her eyes bulged and Merenkahre went over to the brothers and began shouting and questioning. Shepseheret looked at me and was about to talk when I interrupted and said, " I'm fine go see to him." Correction 'I'm absolutely not fine go block him from me so I can runaway and go cry in a corner somewhere'. She smiled and handed me a cloth. Smiling back I headed the same way I'd come from and eventually got back to the room. My nose had stopped bleeding by this point and all I had to do was clean up. Wandering around the room i decided to just wash up in the 'mirror'. First I cleaned my hands then I dabbled the cloth Shepseheret gave me in the water and gently washed my nose careful not to set it off again. Then I walked out on to what looked like a balcony. Looking to my left I saw a staircase leading to the ground. I went down it and headed for a pyramid. When I was there I climbed to the top and sat on it.
I looked on at the stars and the moon. The moon, it looked so real. In fact this whole dream felt so real. I could feel the pain as if I was there, I could feel the emotions as if I was there, I could see the views is if I was there and I could feel my love is if I was there. My love, my love for whom? What am I on about. I've known for so long I just don't have the guts to admit it. No matter what he does, I love him.
I love ahkmanrah!
"Belendah?" Speak of the devil. Slowly I tuned my head to face him. I could feel the tears begin to pool up in my eyes. He came towards me and sat down by my side. Slowly but surely he pulled me in to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Looking up I spoke;
"Ahkmen I..." He cut me off by placing his finger on my lips and hushing me then pulling me in tighter and saying;
"You don't have to apologise, non of this is your fault." I wish I could hold him like this in the real world or more accurately he hold me.
And In my own time I soon fell asleep.

I awoke. It was over. Not for one second did I miss the rape or fighting bit of it but I did miss ahk. When he looked at me, when he touched me, when he hugged me.
Suddenly, I felt a buzzing on my neck. The scarab necklace. Holy fuck it's alive. I squealed and untied it as fast as I could then threw it on the floor. Alex came flying in with a worried look on his face.
"Are you alright I heard a scream?" He questioned. Looking up at him I answered with;
"Yer I'm fine." Then improvised "just a nightmare that's all." I smiled at him and he exhaled then returned the smile, rolled his eyes and walked back out. What the fuck was with that necklace. I'm not keeping that for much longer. I went back to thinking of ahk. I hope I see him tonight. Please.

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