Chapter 12 - New York

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Day one of my new uni. The campus was pretty cool and I'd gone for a wander around some of the school buildings but the best bit was my room.
When I first got there I was terrified I would get a room mate and when I walked into the room there was two beds. I sat down on my own bed and began unpacking. Not to long after I'd finished my roommate came back in and trust my luck it was Clara. When I saw her I was delighted to see someone I knew. The whole night we sat on her bed and talked about the museum, at one point I broke down while talking about ahk to her. She was extremely supportive of it all though, she gave me a hug and told me on our spring break she would take me down there in her car.
Soon after we'd finished talking about what car I wanted when I'd gotten my licence we had fallen asleep.
That same night was one hell of a rolercoster. My dreams just got a whole lot weirder.

I woke up in what I assumed was a park. Now I looked it was a park, it was New York's Central Park. Sitting up I suddenly felt cold and wet, my hair started dripping as I lifted my head from the floor. I looked down, snow? I stared at the snow entranced by its white soft glow. it almost looked surreal, sort of fake like a memory. The scarab! the night before I'd left I'd been doing some light reading on the Egyptians and came across a section on scarab necklaces, it had said that Egyptians believed that royal scarab necklaces can hold important and traumatic memories in them and if accessed correctly could be revisited. however the memories could only be connected if the wearer saw them as important or traumatic. from this information I had concluded that the dream in London was from when Belendah had been wearing the necklace and by the fact that the central park didn't even exist in Belendah's lifetime I'm guessing this is one of Ahk's memories, my heart ached just thinking about him. then I thought; if this was Ahk's memory then he'd have to be around here somewhere, and that's when I heard him.

"yeah but I don't know how to get them back to the museum." I heard a masculine voice say to someone. then an ere silence fell. I slowly got up and trudged to where the voices had came from. "unless..." I heard the same voice mumble to himself, I was getting closer. "Ahkmenrah?" that's when I knew I was in the right place. The same man started talking again, "this is your tablet, you know how to use it. do u think you can command the exhibits to go back to the museum?" then ahk responded. "yes." the sweet innocence and kindness in his voice made every inch of me want to run to him, to wrap my arms tightly around his broad shoulders and lay my head on his chest, to listen to his breathing and heart beat as we stand in silence just like we had so many times before, yet I'd never wanted to as much as I did now. My body began to shake violently and my legs gave way, I balled my fists up and punched the ground. I'd been so foolish, I should never of left him. I knew what It would do to me yet I still went along with it.

then something began happening, my vision started zooming in and out and my breath quickly became more rapid, then darkness started to surround me. all at once my whole body started to ache and a burning pain ripped through my chest.

no..., no, No, NO! this cant be happening, not now. NO! please any time but now! I gripped my chest and opened my eyes.

"she's responsive!" I heard a female voice shout across a room. I blinked and darted my eyes back an fourth around the room. bright paint, big lights, tones of wires, nurses, doctors, beeping, a hospital. then all the pain faded and everything went black.

how could I of been so stupid? I put myself under so much stress I'd caused myself a heart attack. how could I of been so stupid?
So oblivious...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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Oblivious love- a night at the museum fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now