Chapter 9 - The queen of Egypt

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It was now Wednesday and it had been a week since I had that dream and two weeks since I'd seen ahk. I missed him so much. But now it was Wednesday night and I was determined to see him. Slowly, I walked up to the museum doors with key in hand, that Tilly cut for me, hoping ahk was free tonight.
Then I unlocked it and the first thing I saw was ahk...
But he was with his parents. Great! Ahk looked at me and I saw his eyes light up until his mother linked arms with him and they tuned to worry. I ran hoping they didn't see me and if they did hoping they wouldn't find me.
"Excuse me!" I heard a female voice from behind me. Shepseheret. I'm just going to have to improvise and hope to dear god that I don't do something wrong.
"Yes?" I turned to face her and acted bewildered when I saw the royal family and then bowed.
"Look at this, what good manners. For once." Merenkahre said while mumbling the last bit. Then his wife spoke.
"Merenkahre! Ignore him dear you may stand. Let us see you're face." Oh no! Shit, shit, shit. No. If I show my face they will think I'm that Belendah girl. If she was ahk's wife and he keeps calling me that then his parents will definitely know her too. But I had no other choice. I looked up and all I could see was the worry and disappointment on ahk's face.
"Belen?" Merenkahre questioned.
I decided to do exactly what I did when I met ahk and he called me Belendah.
"Pardon, who is belen?" I asked.
"You, is that not correct?" He wondered with confusion frowning his face.
"No, my name is Nova, Nova Alter." He looked at me and shrugged it off. I saw ahk let out a sigh as if being reminded of a horrible past. Then his mother placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled at her then at me, I just settled on a polite bow and smile. He chuckled slightly.
"Come, come Nova Alter walk with me lets have some girl talk." Shepseheret spoke as she placed her hand on my back and walked me away from the others.
When we where miles away from the others she spoke.
"Please, just call me sheps. It's nice to have someone who isn't so formal to talk to." I looked up at her and she looked troubled.
"Of corse and may I ask, is something wrong?" She looked down to me. And nodded.
"My son, he has only just come back and we wanted to spend time with him but it seems as if he just doesn't want to see us. He always try's to run from us and being a queen is a burden enough but when you're son is ignoring you too." She sighed and looked at me as of waiting for a solution. "Maybe he met a friend within the first days of being hear and you are spending time with him when he wants to see his friend." I basically just told her that ahk was my friend but she didn't seem to quite catch on. She just nodded so I added ,to keep the conversation going;
"And what is it like to be a queen." She looked at me confused as if she didn't quite know how to explain it. So she answered;
"Well it's a hard thing to explain but my mother wrote a song about in once, would you like to hear that." I nodded.
By now we where in the Egyptian section so she sat on a makeshift throne and invited me to sit on the arm of it. So I did. Then she began to sing.

(The underlined bits are the bits that nova starts spontaneously singing quietly to herself, as if she already knows the song. Throughout the bits she isn't singing she is humming the melody. (She does nothing during the first verse though.) )

The stars are very beautiful, above the palace walls,
They shine with equal splendour, still above far humbler halls.
I watch them from my window, but their bright entrancing glow,
Reminds me of the freedom I gave up so long ago.

The royal circlet of bright gold rests lightly on my brow,
I once thought only of the rights this circlet would endow.
But once I took the crown to which I had been schooled and bred,
I found it heavy on the heart, though light upon the head.

Although I am the head of state, in truth I am the least,
The true Queen knows her people fed, before she sits to feast.
The good Queen knows her people safe, before she takes her rest,
Thinks twice and thrice and yet again, before she makes request.

For they are all my children, all, that I swore to defend,
It is my duty to become both Queen and trusted friend.
And of my children high and low, from beggar to above,
The dearest are my Heralds, who return my care with love.

The dearest are my Heralds, swift to spring to my command.
Who give me aid and fellowship, who always understand
That land and people first have needs that I may not deny
So I must send my dearest friends to danger and to die.

A friend, a love, a child it matters not, I know indeed,
That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need.
They know, and they forgive me doing more than I require,
With willing minds and loving hearts go straight to grasp the fire.

These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears the Queen can't shed,
The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my Heralds dead.
Oh gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry

And if you have compassion
let me send no more to die...

She looked at me oddly, then I realised I'd been singing parts of the song along with her. How had I done that?
I just shrugged at her and smiled. She smiled in return. Then continued
"Do you understand now?" She questioned. Yes, I did. It was actually quite an educating song when I thought about it.
Suddenly, Shepseheret gasped and looked at me then held the necklace that was hanging from my neck. Oh no. The scarab!
"How did you? Impossible! Ahkmen had this around his neck! How on ra's Earth do you..." She froze and my heart skipped a couple of beats.
"Your the friend of ahk's you where talking about earlier!" She looked happy. I'd expected her to look mortified and bewildered. Ok she did look slightly bewildered but mostly happy. No, more like ecstatic. I had to tell her the truth.
"Yes, yes..." She started getting even more excited. "...But you can't tell anyone you know, especially not Merenkahre, not even ahk. He'll kill me if he finds out I told you!" She looked at me with an all knowing look and did the unexpected. She hugged me and said;
"Why of corse I won't." While laughing. Then she pulled away and I looked back at her.
"Can I ask, who is this belen?" I asked, curious as to who everyone was talking about. She just looked at me sad and overwhelmed.
"I don't wish to speak of her but if you are still intrigued she is dotted all over this museum. You will find her somewhere if you look hard enough." I nodded then ahk and his father came through. I gestured to the doorway and Shepseheret just nodded while smiling so I turned to leave. As I was leaving I passed ahk and his father so I bowed. Ahk chuckled, again. I wonder why he finds it so amusing when I bow. Just to take the piss I double bowed again and this time he burst out laughing. His father elbowed him in the side and he slapped his hand over his mouth. With a feeling of satisfaction I waved goodbye and took off.
Now his mum knows about me being his friend she might leave him to do his own thing tomorrow night.
But I still wanted to know who this belen was. Ahk had mentioned her and so had her family. I'm having dreams about her and they keep calling me by her name.
I'm going to find out who she is,
even if it kills me!

Hope you guys are happy I got two chapters done in one night. I'm sorry I didn't upload on schedule I just had a bunch of homework and revising to do (Including my English poetry assessment) but I should be back on time from now on. Btw that song that Shepseheret sang is an actual song and there is a video at the top of it, it's called 'the cost of the crown'. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

Oblivious love- a night at the museum fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now