Chapter Sixteen: Rescue Mission

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Where am I?

I couldn't see. I didn't even feel or hear anything. It was like I just fell in deep space, unknowing of anything in my surroundings. I tried to move, couldn't. Something was keeping me from moving. I couldn't even feel what was holding me back. My voice echoed in this chasm; I was trapped.

What did that mean for everyone else?

My mind (as ADHD driven as it was) started to think. I pondered weather I should pray. I grew up Christian; my father was even a leader at the church I attended. However, my mind usually drifted halfway through the prayer. This time, so many thoughts were flooding through my head, I couldn't even start. I childishly wondered what lingered in the darkness. Like a child laying in bed, I still managed to fall asleep amongst all the activity lingering in my head, and, like a child, did I want to return to the darkness once I saw where I was.

I lay on an operating table; wires dangled from needles that punctured my body. A light shone above me, overcasted by a shadow of a man, Klay. His sneer poisoned my thoughts. His ivory hand rested on my mouth, forcing me to taste his hand. Blood may taste like copper, but I'd rather of ate copper then. I still was unable to move, otherwise I would've clocked his crooked jaw line.

"You have a strong will." he told me. "I can break that."

He then lowered stepped away to reveal the light shinning above me, a television screen hung from above me, pointing down. The image was pure blinding white, but I couldn't close my eyes. A voice from behind me said to start procedure. What did that mean?

Suddenly, a pang surged through my body; darkening the corners of my vision. Another pang, I was nearly blinded. With a final surge of pain, I returned to the darkness.


The group had been wondering the rubble of Oklahoma City for a day now. Wedlock had not returned to the group since they parted outside of the town yesterday. Jason had done his best to help the civilians, but he was too drowned in guilt to be truly useful. He kept on drilling into his head that he could've changed the situation; the Duncan might still be with them...

And Klay would be dead.

Jason's rage was unparalleled. There was no joy in his soul, which he needed to use his powers. He had forced himself to be happy when he saved Duncan's life, like a rush of adrenaline, but this time, it didn't seem to be working correctly. Then again, what was working correctly? Everything that had happened to them had gone the complete wrong way. Nothing had gone to plan since they left the Compound. 

Noah, Zak, Nick, Luke, and Jared were together under what remained of a store, trying to salvage as many valuables for an unfortunate store owner. The group had split up into two groups so that they could help in as many places as possible. One group had five people while the other had seven. Most of the time, .they were stuck, pulling out corpses or passing out supplies the military brought to help us. What would really help would be to get Duncan back.

Get, Duncan. The thought bounced around in Jared's mind, as he lifted a gizmo out from underneath a pile of charred oak, and put it with the other useless trinkets compiled in the middle of the store. Jared turned to the rest of the group, ready to make a bold statement.

"Let's go get Duncan."

The four raised their heads at Jared, as if to ask if he were serious. Besides Jared, these weren't the liked people on the team. They were misfits with powers people didn't understand, and when people don't understand something, they tend to reject the idea of it altogether. Noah and Zak were outcasts, everyone thought they were bad people. In fact, they were starting to believe that before they discovered their powers. Luke and Nick were orphans, both jumping from home to home, having no attachments but with each other. These four were the least likely to do anything that will ever be remembered.

That's why they went to go save Duncan.


Jason Norcon/Captain Cortex, Head of Norcon Industries, the company behind the Magna-Men's finances, and Head defender against hostile terrorist groups possessing supernatural abilities.

The bold title read at his office desk in Dallas, Texas. Jason was never in his office, rather moving from location to location, trying to save the world with his intellect. Wedlock was in his office, sifting through files, looking for an answer.

There was always an answer.

The Magna-Men were falling apart. Human Robot wouldn't listen to him, Tick-Tock was too busy holding back knowledge about the future, Awestruck was stuck in Canada, Fracture was always too drunk, and Captain Cortex wasn't agreeing with him. Jason was wrong for once, Wedlock could feel it in his bones. The only way to do anything right is to never stop.

Never even stop for the law.

The laws of man are weak and bendable, easy to get caught in the tangle of its hair. The only way to save everyone was to cut the hair all off and leave the law to more capable hands.

His hands.

Him and Awestruck were planning on setting an order, letting them rule over all else. This plan was delayed with the Department of Crime. They were violent beasts that didn't understand that not all super-humans were meant to rule, just the ones that fought for it.

He flipped through a file with a name, Benjamin J. TInker. Apparently, Ben was am inventor with the ability to run multiple trains of thought at once, multiple meaning dozens. He wasn't a super-genius, he was just able to think about many things at once.

A valuable asset.

He took the file and left the office, the building, the city of Dallas. He walked back to his Sound-Breaker and started his trek back to the teens.

The beginning of the end of anarchy was near.

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