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They walked me to the car and pushed me in the backseat. I put my head down and and sobbed. I don't know how long we drove, I don't care either. I was in my own world. My world revolved around Anna and now in her memories.

There was nothing else in it. I guess no place for anything either.

A smile crept on my lips as I remembered my first conversation with Amazonlady

* Flashback*

I  am so pissed with my step dad. God, I hate that bastard. I guess I hate my mom even more for marrying him and then dying, leaving me in his care.

I write blogs, my thoughts essentially. Today some one new commented on it.

I had written against that asshole. Ranted more like it. She posted her comment-

Amazaonlady: I love your writing.. I can feel ur anger

ME. aka... Angryman: Thank you buddy...


I couldnt believe someone actually felt my feelings more than my words or calling it a boring rant.

I sent her a private message... Assuming she is a her ofcourse...

Angryman: Hei buddy, thank you soo much for understanding... you are my buddy from now...

will you read my other works too?

Amazonlady: Sure buddy. It will be my pleasure.

Angryman: so wat u write bout? I mostly rant bout my life, sometimes discuss books and stuff...

Amazonlady: OH I simply read others' thoughts... sometimes I too write mine, mostly philosophical, or sometimes life in general. 

Angryman: Sooo would you like to get to know the other well.....

Amazonlady: Ya sure... Id like that..

Angryman: so... wats ur age??

Amazonlady: hahaha... y buddy?? wanna marry me?

Angryman: Sorry too personal I guess... just you know.. to get to know u...

Amazonlady: kool, in 24.. too old?

Angryman: Kool... Im 17, and 24 is young too.. we jus have 7 yrs diff...

Amazonlady: nice to meet a young guy too.

Angryman: soo... u in a relation?

Amazonlady: nopes, single.. u? Im guessin u r... after all 17 is the time to flaunt ryt?

Angryman: hahah.. na Im not that eligible... single too... so what are ur interests??

Amazonlady: oh life.... is very interesting...


* end of flashback*

Suddenly I was jerked forward and hit my head on the screen. It broke my reverie and got me back to the ugly present. I tried to bring my hand to my head, but realised I was handcuffed. I brought back my pain.

" Come out son" said the kind Fed. Mind you, only he called me son. The other treated me like dirt.

He helped me out and pulled me into a sad looking massive building. I looked at him bewildered.

Laughing at my expression, he said," Son, us Feds have facilities all over. welcome to your new home for now."

I gulped. It looked scary, like a fortress. But it was a building with the state of ar securitiy meassure. You could equate it to a haunted house. Only ruled by mean looking Feds and Guards. 

We walked in and I was zapped. I mean it wasn't run down haunted house at all from the inside.

You could have walked into a corporate office. It was completely modern. Clean lines of steel and mirrors dominated the entryway. People dressed as if they were going for a conference. Their faces blank and every one running around as if they were the bussiest people in the world. I looked at my friendly Fed with a confused expression and he merely laughed at me. 

"Son, we are experts at creating illusions. The entry was just that. We love our luxuary. Don't worry. We won't give you too much though. So Son, just a friendly advice, talk to us about all you know and we could get a deal for you. I promise, it will the best we can do for you then. Think about it."

I gulped at the thought and they led me into my new home. Very few luxuaries they said.. I wonder how much that would be.


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