Funeral!/ A new beginning

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Sorry! Real life is just so damn hectic at the moment.

But I am writing. Trying to handle all of my stories and re-working on the Watty Award entry as well...

PLease support me... leave a comment or a vote or both ;p and tell me what you think of this now??

Thank you guys!

Each and every one of you mean so much to me!!

Thank you<3<3

The body was fished out, to be taken to the 'quarters fora  formal examination. But the pesky reporters sneaked in and took videos and pictures that went viral on the net and took the local news channel's TRP ratings to a new high. Although it was Chet who had called the reporters himself, he soon found out that it had not been a wise decision.

They were milling about, coming in the way, irritating the officers and coming in the way of the damn investigation. They also had an annoying habit of asking tricky questions that generally  opened a can of worms. Although Chet had wanted to open them, he soon realised that the public sentiments were against them, even if and especially if the dead body belonged to that annoying horny Ethan.

Soon the entire village turned up, or perhaps it was simply the entire state. Every one demanded to see the body, to see what the Feds had done to their very own boy, to make a public appeal to the magistrate and show as proof, the grotesque form of what was once a very handsome young boy.

They had begun chanting, someone had even thrown a few rocks and soon, amid cry for justice for the boy and the missing old lady a full blown riot broke out and the few FEDS were soon under the heavy attack of a frenzied mob, mad with anger and grief, fuelled by a righteous sense of injustice and tyranny.

The Mayor had to be summoned along with the Sheriff and the entire police force on duty in the town to contain the mob, calm it down and send them home. No arrests were made, no one dared to or really wished to.

Some courageous young men Had sneaked in unnoticed from the FEDS who had been busy fending off the rioters and had stolen the body, taking it away as quietly as possible to the village church.

It was all planned. As soon as the mob was disbursed, every one of the villager had gathered in the local cemetery and had been present for the cremation of their beloved boy next to the grave of his love. Ethan Hawk was laid to rest right next to Anna Marrie, just the way he would have liked it. The Pastor had performed the last rites and everyone was moved to tears. They then walked towards the Church and a Service was performed for him and Granny as well as special prayers were said for the poor lawyer battling for life in the next city.

The FEDS  had soon barged in and demanded to unearth the freshly filled grave. The Villagers and obviously and Vehemently refused leading to another serious altercation and a mob so angry that Chet was caught on camera running for his dear life as 5 batty old women ran after him , hitting him with their bags and umbrellas and some with canes. 


Far away, in the hidden compartment of a huge trailer an old lady laughed at the sight of Chet running for his dear life.She was laughing at the coverage he was getting on the local channels. He had planned it and as usual, his plan fell flat on his face. She laughed as she saw her Nemesis being chased by mere old women. But a lone tear trickled down as she felt the love of the villagers, as she felt their loss. But somethings have to be done. No point mopping about it. She wiped away the stray, errant tear and turned to look at the sleeping form of her charge.

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