Chapter One

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2015 USA
It was another dark and rainy late morning on a Saturday as I made my way down the street to my favorite little café, and to the place my life would change forever. I opened the heavy looking wooden door ,which was actually very easy to open and very light, and made my way inside and into the warmth. As soon as the door was opened I was welcomed by a burst of hot air and the lovely scent of coffee. Nothing made me happier than spending my Saturday's in my corner booth at this café with a good book and delicious cup of coffee. I made my way to my booth and shrugged off my heavy coat and draped it on a chair close by. It was then that I noticed there was someone else back here in my little section of the café where no one really goes. He was about five booths away from mine. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but looking back now he was the man responsible for my whole life changing. I payed him no attention and dove right into my book loosing myself in its pages until a cup of coffee was brought to me. I looked up and smiled at Bessla the middle aged waitress here every Saturday.
"Here's your usual darlin. You starting a new book?" She asked in a cheerful voice.
"Yup just started it the other day. So far it's been pretty good. It's another fallen angel story. This one is about an angel who fell with lucifer and a bunch of other Angels, but finds his redemption in an ordinary boring girl." I told her beaming with excitement. She just laughed and shook her head at me. She knows how I am with my books and stories about fallen angels. I've been drawn to them ever since I was a little girl. I guess it was the fact of how exceedingly handsome the Angels always were and how the female leads were always so stubborn but eventually fell in love with the guy anyways. I had always secretly hoped it would happen to me one day; to be swept away by a handsome fallen angel. Little did I know what was in store for my fate.

It was several hours later now, maybe around 4 or 5 when I finally took a break from my book and got up to stretch. I got up and looked around, noticing how empty the place had gotten. The mystery man was still in his booth reading an old leather bound book in what seemed like a foreign language judging by its strange title I couldn't read. I grabbed my cup and walked up to the counter to get a refill. As I walked back to my booth I noticed a letter sitting atop my book. I looked around the nearly deserted café to see if anyone might have been near my booth but saw no one other than mystery man who was too busy reading his book. I decided to open it up and see what it said.
"Dear Sirenia,
He's coming for you. He's watching. He's different this time though. Be careful. Watch out. I can't loose you again. I've waited and searched three hundred years for you. Don't let him near you. Not until your 18th birthday next week. I need you to stay alive for that long. Once you turn 18 he can no longer harm you and you will be safe. We will be reunited once again very soon.
- With much love your fallen angel Sephriel".
What did this mean? Who was this Sephriel guy? And what the heck did he mean by "your fallen angel" and "he's coming for you. He's watching." who is coming after me and why is he watching me? Whatever this letter is supposed to mean I don't like it. It's making me feel uneasy and I'm starting to get queazy.
I gulped down my coffee, payed for it, then put my coat back on and grabbed my stuff so I could head back home. I was two blocks from my house when I decided to take out my phone and check the time. The dimly lit screen read 6:30. I had some time to stop in the store and grab a few items for dinner. When I got back out the sky was already pitch black and the wind and rain were picking up. I huddled into my coat and hurried down the two blocks back to my house. When I finally got home it was about 7:25. I headed straight for the kitchen to set my bags down and then headed back towards the front door to hang my coat on the rack. It was then that I noticed the house was unusually quiet. I lived with my best friend Bellix and his puppy Lunta. Neither of them were down here to greet me. It was strange of them not to do that so I decided to go look for them. I called out Bellix's name and Lunta's several times before I heard the familiar bark coming from Bellix's room. I opened the door to find an excited Lunta and a peacefully sleeping Bellix. Lunta walked out and I softly closed the door behind her then headed back down to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
After I had eaten dinner I went up to my room and laid on my bed with Lunta and watched some tv. After about an hour I got up and went to take a shower. The hot water felt good on my cold skin and gave me some time to think about that man and that letter. I was curious as to who he was and if he may have given me the letter.  I stayed in there for about 30 minutes before finally leaving the warmth and comfort of my amazing shower. As I walked back to my room I heard a door open and ran smack into a hard object. I looked up to see I had ran straight into Bellix who looked groggy and still half asleep.
"Well good evening sleeping beauty have a nice nap?" I asked him in a joking tone. He gave me an inaudible grunt and stepped around me to get to the bathroom. I shook my head at him and continued to my room. Once there I shut the door behind me and got changed into my pj's which consisted of an oversized shirt and some black pj shorts. Lunta was still on my bed sound asleep so I tried to climb into bed as soft as possible so I wouldn't wake her. Once comfortably in bed I checked my phone to make sure my alarms were on since I had to be up early for classes the next morning. After they were set I plugged it in to my charger and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

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