Chapter Nine

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I struggle to breath, sucking in my breaths slowly. Each breath results in what feels like a sword slicking into my lungs. Two hands touch my cheeks, I feel them but I can't see them. When I open my eyes, it feels like I'm lifting two rocks up with my eyelids. Somehow, I manage to do it.

Paige stands over me, frowning. When she sees that my eyes are opened, her face gets a little more cheerful. I open my mouth to talk to her, but I can't.

"Relax," Paige runs a hand across my forehead, acting as if she's tending to a fever. "I'm healing you."

I try to open my mouth again, wondering how the heck she can have so many abilities. Trying to recollect them, I count in my head: invisibility, teleportation, healing...what else? I forgot already. Strength begins to surge through my bones. I test my jaw, seeing if it will open now. Sure enough, it works.

"How?" I croak, turns out my voice is hurting too.

"Aysal I will tell you," she grabbed my hand.

Aysal is the president of The Good Facility, I've only directly talked to her once. That was when I was first getting to be a Teller. Her full name is Aysal Mora. Most people call her President Mora, unless they're extremely close to her. It's weird to find out that Paige is so comfortable with addressing her by her first name.

"Um...OK," I sigh.

She pulls me up, my body is fully refreshed. We're in the middle of a hallway, an empty hallway at that. The walls are sleek and black, a quality that helps keep abilities in check. Before we get going, Paige sticks her hands out in the open air, palms out. That's something that I've only ever seen conjurers do. In the blink of an eye, a black one-piece suit with a pair of high-heeled boots rests in her hands. She's a conjurer too?

"I'll explain later," she repeats, shoving the suit towards me. "Change."

"Where?" tuck the suit under my arm.

She sticks her arms out again, palms facing each other this time. Another conjuring method. A circular dressing room appears in front of me, curtains draping around it. Shrugging, I push my way in. I won't argue with the fact that she has seemingly every ability that's available. I put on the suit, admiring myself in the mirror. It fits my curves perfectly, the boots making me at least two inches taller. I look completely spy-worthy.

When I push the curtains out of the way, I walk back into the hallway to find Paige dressed the same way, blonde hair making her look even more dangerous. I smiled at her, then clicked through the hall towards her.

"When are we meeting President Mora?" I rush to keep up with her as she makes a few right turns around the building.

"Now," she keeps looking forward.

"What else can you do?" I ask so many questions I feel like a kid again.

"Everything," she replies with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I shut up, following her to wear President Mora must be.  But a thousands questions still rush through my mind. 

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