A Normal Day At School

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Teh story onz how bettys day waz as a school lunch ladyz


Todayz i served 420 kidz atz lunch andz brekfest .

Theyz is always picky and never wants my amazing food choices. theyz always want pizza like howz about some milk? iz going to quit ma job andz make ma own restaurant called Bettys Milk And Chill.

Everyonez is invited besidez if your crusty. 

Shrek is Da kook, and peepee iz a waiter, Jemmy neutronz iz there too not surez what he doez tho

I toldz the kidz ma amazing idea for a restaurant but theyz just wanted their pizza. these dusty kidz dont appreciate mez.  well they willz be missing out on Fresh new Betty Beatz music then. iz gotz to go, i haz to watch ma cartoonz the poower poof gurls arr teh bezt. 

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