Teh Story On Howz Betty Gotz Fired From Being A Lunch Ladyz.
it waz a friday afternoon, Lunchz juzt ended andz i gave everyoez only milk andz told them to chill
theyz were not happy becauze they wanted some cheeze boogerz, butz iz didnt want to make cheeze
boogerz, I waz aboutz to leave school but ma bozz told me to cum to her office.
shez told me i waz fired, so i said " BETTY DOEZN'T GET FIRED, BETTY QUITZ GET SHREKED N00BZ EAT
MY ANUS WEAVE" of courze ma bozz didnt like that butz i dont care. i now own the restaurant bettyz
milk and chill and are living ma dreamz watching soupernatural and listenin to
poonic! atz da dizco