Chapter Three Part1

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Seven reads is a lot better then none. Thanks to anyone reading this now and my future readers I feel I will probally get more reads when I have a lot more chapter. So THANK YOU :*


Zayn POV (A/N another thing to anyone reading this, in fanfics do you prefer many different POV's be included in it or mainly one or no change in POV?)

I loved her I really did. I knew she wouldn't contact me. There was only one way I would get her back . had to kidnap her. It sound creepy and well crazy but what love without a little crazy....or a lot. When I saw her laying down in the car uncounious I couldnt take my eyes off of her. She looked so peaceful. But I know shes not a peace. Before the chloraform (A/N its a drug that when inhaled it knocks you out for those that dont know) took over I could tell the anger she held with in I knew her mother had recently passed and her step father wasn't the kindest. I only knew this because her father told me this when I told him I was getting her back.

As she layed on the couch asleep in my apartment memories started to flood my mind everything from good to better except the memory of our last day together it was our ONLY bad memory and I can't seem to ever shake that from my mind. Just as I thought I was about to cry Courtney started to wake.

"h-h-h hey" is all I could manage to stumble out of my mouth

"hi" she looked so sad and her words sounded worse.

"How are you?" I questioned afraid to ask to much

" I'm fine just a bit hungry and I would be more confortable if I had my medication" she sounded scared of me

"I'll get right to that love" I kissed her on her forehead as she flinched stupid me. Take it easy I tell myself. I need to calm down.

"Hey Z-z-z Zayn doe anybody else l-l-live her?" her freightned words wondered why she asked this question but I didnt have time to reply before I heard the glass door in the living room shatter and so did my heart with the poor girl in the same room cried for help.  

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