Chapter 2

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Well heres chapter 2 even thoug I have no reads I will still post.


Courtneys POV

When I woke I saw five faces above me. I reconized them but expspecially one. Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and of course Zayn. Zayn and I used to "date" quotations around date. It was really only a summer love. It ended when summer did and I headed back to the US. He was kind and sweet. My mother wouldn't of approve if she ever knew. He had peircings and was tattoos and was three years older than me.  We had a nasty breakup. He wanted to continue the relationship but I told him it wasn't a good idea. We were over 4000 miles apart and I really don't think it would work with my mother in the picture. I remeber it all, how terrified I was.


"Zayn I really dont see this working." I told him with tears in my eyes."It will just trust me just trust me!" He yelled I saw the anger in his eyes.

"It won't you don't understand I can't do this. I just cant it has to be just has to be okay." I tryed so hard to keep the tears from falling.

I never saw Zayn this angry. I knew he had anger issues since his parents abandoned him when he was seven but he really never had any anger towards me. He grabbed my wrist as I tryed to leave I didnt want him to see me cry and I didn't want to see wanna his outburst.

" You never loved me did you. It was all just a trick to mess with me wasn't it?!" He squeezed my wrists tighter I started to feel some pain.

"I did too. I do love you. I always have." I cant stop my self from crying. "I always will"

"You lying! You wouldnt be giving up on me if you did!" he squeezed my wrist so tight pain shot through my arms the first tears fell.

"Zayn, I always loved you, always." This seem to anger him so more 

"Well I never loved you!" His words were sharp and peirced my heart with so much pain.

"Zayn....I did love you." He squeezed my wrist with so much anger he didn't even realise he was doing it and then it popped. He looked down his eyes widend I never felt this much pain. Tears filled his eyes.

"Courtney, I didnt mean to..I'm just" I stopped him with a kiss and left if I stayed here longer i wouldn't want to leave he look so lost.

I ran, ran so fast when I got out of that apartment and my plane took off only 2 hours after our fight my wrist was swollen but I told my father I fell and he told me to make sure I got it checked out when I got to the US.

Flashback over

"Courtney?" Zayn questioned with his tear filled eyes.

I didn't want to see him again it hurt to much to see his face again. He looked down at my wrist.

"Why is this on? This brace?" he said.

"It's from surgery." I mumbled not letting my self make eye contact with him.

"How many?....How many surgeries have you had?" He said worriedly.

"Not many." I told him I didnt want him to feel guilty.

"Tell me." his voice was firm.

"S-s-s-six " I stuttered a bit scared again and tears fell down my cheek.

"Okay lad thats enough, let her sleep" Harry told Zayn. Harry, oh how I missed him.

They all headed out of the room as my eyes started to flutter closed. I don't know if its the drugs that was on the cloth that was forced over my face earlier but before I fell into a deep sleep. I swore I heard Zayn tell me "I never did stopped loving you." and it felt as if he kissed my forehead...but I'm not sure.

A/N i know its short again...sorry I've been writing for and hour and this is all I got.

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