Of Water

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Franks POV
Gerard and I have been friends for about 5 months now. And we still never talked about, what almost happened the first day we met, but it doesn't seem to really bother me anymore.

We always meet up in 'our' spot for lunch and study hall, then we walk home together and either go to my house or his, we decide as we are walking home, so we really never know where we are going, but I enjoy the little surprises. Haha.

We have 5 out of 7 classes together, so we will always sit together and occasionally talk, pass notes, and exchange funny faces, while the teacher is not looking.

I walk to my locker and grab my the things I need for class. And then scurry my way on in there.

I sit in my usual seat and save one for Gerard. The bell rings and Gerard still isn't here, after a while, the late bell rings and he still hasn't come...

And it is like this for every class we share together.

The final bell rings and I go back to my locker and pull out my phone to text Gerard.

Hey Gee, I was worried about you, since you haven't been to school lately. xoxoFrnk♡

I gathered my things and started to walk home.

The whole week has been like this.

I started to think, maybe he is mad at me, but I can't keep blowing up his phone. I have at least sent him 20-30 messages just this week alone.

I hope he is okay, but my thoughts stop as I am standing right in front of the Way household door.

I think about it for a second, but then shrug and start to turn to leave.

But as I am walking down the stair doors, I hear the front door open.

I turn around and see a boy with light brown hair, rectangle glasses, he is tall and has a lanky figure. He looks about my age, but maybe younger.

"Did you need something?" He asks.

"Well, yes... but no... I was just leaving." I say as I turn away.

"You are Frank aren't you." He says

I turn back to face him.

"Yes, and who might you be?" I say, quite confused, I hve no idea who this kid is.

"I am Mikey, Gerards little brother." He replies. Where has this brother been since I have been friends with him? Like seriously, I guess I was to caught up in my little crush for Gerard to notice Mikey, I feel slightly bad about that.

"Oh, okay, by the way where is Gerard." I ask.

Mikeys face goes pale and he shifts to look at the ground.

"Well, I am not sure if I can tell you... but since you keep on blowing up his phone, you two, must be close." He replies and now I am even more confused, why would Gerard keep something from me?

"Okay?" I say

"Well, Gerard doesn't have many friends, in fact I think you are his only friend." He says

"Well he is my only friend too." I say.
"I just moved here and on the first day of school, we were wearing the exact same thing."

"Oh, that is why he came home so happy, it scared me a little bit, becaude he wouldn't tell me why, Gerard hasn't been doing too good for a couple years." "So to see him with a smile is a bit strange." He says.

Now I am more confused, he is nothing but smiles around me, he laughs, jokes and smiles. We mess around and walk all over the town, and hang out 24/7.

Has it all been an act?

Or is he just genuinely happy to be around me?

"Well, I am here to get Gerard his phone, because he left it here, You can come with me to visit him if you want, I am pretty sure he won't mind." He says, as he locks the front door and starts to gesture to a car in the driveway.

"Visit? Mikey where is Gerard, and Why do we have to visit him?" I ask, now demanding answers, he was my best friend and I have no idea where he has been for a week.

"It isn't my place to tell, but he is doing okay, so he will probably tell you." He says, now I am just plain worried.

We get to a hospital and my heart drops, what if he was in a car crash and is in a coma, what if he doesn't remember me, what if he won't make it. What if-

I am stopped from having a panic attack, as Mikey places a hand on my shoulder.

"He is okay, He just had a check up, but it turned into a little more." He replys, I relax a bit but am still worried for my best friend.

We walk into the front desk, and he says 'here for gerard way', the receptionist nods and hands us a visiting form, we both sign our name and then she tells us his room number.

We walk along the halls of the starch white hospital. We stop in front of '217', Mikey turns to me and says,

"What out here for a minute, I am going to tell him you're here."

I nod and sit in a chair next to the door, as Mikey slips into the room, I hear some shushed talking but I can't make out what they are saying or what is going on.

After a couple of minuets, Mikey slips back out of the door and says,

"He says you can come in, just don't freak out, because he says he doesn't want you to have a panic or anxiety attack."

I shake my head, "He is the one in the hospital and he still is worrying about me, typical Gerard." I say.

Mikey smiles and chuckles, like he is agreeing with me.

I slowly open the door and walk into the room, Mikey closes the door and says, he will give us a chance to talk and catch up.

I nod and make my way further into his room. I stop when I see Gerard in the bed. He is hooked up to a billion different machines and he has an iv and a million things going on.

He turns and looks at me and says.

"Please sit down."

I nod and take a seat in a chair by the bed.

"I will tell you my full story, if you will listen." "I didn't want to say anything before because I thought it would make you look at me differently."

I nodded and said, "Of course, I will listen, Gee, you are my best friend, nothing will change how I look at you."

Next chapter will be up soon!

(1153 words)

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