Help Her Gather All My Things

433 16 15

Frank's POV

I wake up and I am snuggled into Gerards side, I look up and see a nurse hovering over us, with a look of awe on her face.

I slowly sit up, "you two are so cute." She says, I just nod, it's to early for this.

"How long have you been together?" She asks. I look over to Gee and smile, as he is still asleep.

"Well we have known each other for a little more than a year, but we just recently got together."

She nods, "well I am here for a check on him, he can stay asleep, which is actually best, because he hates needles."

I nod and gently take ahold of his hand.

She changes his IV drip, looks at all of the machines and then goes over to the cabinet and pulls out two needles, they aren't that large, but aren't that small either. I squeeze Gee's hand reassuringly.

She presses the needle in his arm and his eyes shoot immediately open and I stiffle a giggle.

"Lois! What have I told you about needles in me?" He asks her.

"That they shouldn't be in you?" She asks.

"I have told you this for the past 12 years!" He exclaims.

That means he was diagnosed at age 6. Poor lil thing.

I squeezed his hand reassuringly once more and he turns to me.

"Oh, Hey, Frankie." He says and leans forward to give me a kiss.

I kiss him back instantly.

"There, both done" the nurse, Lois, says.

"Hmm, didn't feel the second one." He says then gasps and looks from me to Lois to me again. "That means, Frankie your kisses are magical."

I just lost it, whatever drugs he is hyped up on are making him completely hilarious, Lois laughs too and soon Gee, joins in as well.

"Wait." He says, turning from a giggling mess to serious in a millisecond, "what are we laughing about?"

We all stay quiet for a second before busting up in laughter once again.

"You." I say. Calming down after a while

"Okay, well I have to go check on the next room, But Gerard, are you and your boyfriend hungry, I can go get you some food." Lois asks.

"Uh, yea sure, Lois that sounds great."

She nods, "your usual?"

He nods, "and Frankie will have the same."

I nod, not really knowing what 'the usual' is, but if Gerard likes it then I probably will too.

He turns on the tv to cartoon network and we snuggle up again and just watch Spongebob and Patrick mess with poor Squidward.

What did Squidward do, to deserve Spongebob and Patrick torment him so.

I dont know, but it is hilarious.

A/N short, ik, but I am tring to wrap this up, I think 4 more chapters then this is
D O N E!!!

So yep...


(485 words)

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