Chapter One

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Chapter One

(Six years later)

“GUYS,” I yelled, my voice echoing through the numerous empty halls. Sure we’re a big family but we live in a HUGE house. It was built in the early 1800s and has the Victorian mansion feel to it. It’s been in our family, the Parkers, for generations. It has three floors and at least a million rooms.

My siblings were obviously still asleep.

“Guys” I yelled again, “Come on you have to get up it’s the first day of school.” Not that I was happy about that or anything. I hate school and mornings, so getting up at the worst time of the day to go to something I hate really isn’t at the top of my to-do list. But, unfortunately, it’s necessary and being the oldest girl I take it upon myself to be responsible for waking everyone up.

“Ugh! Just leave me alone,” that was Ben, my twin brother. He hates mornings and school as much as I do, so into his room I went, because if I have to be up at this ungodly time in the morning then so does he.

I pull his blankets off of him to see he’s only in his boxers but that no longer fazes me, I got over that soon after my parents left.

“Dammit Mikayla can’t you just let me sleep?”

“No, if I leave you here to your own devices you’ll never make it to school.”

I leave his room and go pay a visit to the twins. Both are still asleep, after mom and dad left they insisted that they share a room. That was six years ago, they are now thirteen and still attached at the hip.

“Aaron, Michael. Wake up!”



“I said we’re awake,” mumbled Michael.

“Okay but hurry and get dressed today’s the first day of school and I don’t want you to be late for your first day of 7th grade.”

“Oh I’m so excited,” Aaron said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m sure you are, now get up.”

Next I make my way to Seth’s room. Before I go on I guess I should tell you who everyone is. My brother Zach, who is 19, is the oldest. Next comes my brother Jason. He’s 18, a senior, and very proud. Then there’s Ben and me, 17 and the first set of twins. We’re like the girl/boy versions of each other. I’m the girl version of Ben and he’s the boy version of me, in terms of looks anyway. Next there’s my sister Kimberly or Kim. She’s little miss popular at school even though she’s only 16 and a sophomore. Then there’s Seth, he’s 15 and probably the brother I’m the closest to, next to Ben. Then there’s Liam. He’s 14 and probably the funniest kid you will ever meet. Lastly there’s the twins, Aaron and Michael, the mad scientists/evil geniuses of the family.

Anyway, I make my way into Seth’s room and see that he’s not there.

Huh, odd. He’s usually the one that takes the longest to get up, I think to myself. But, he is always hungry. He’s probably just downstairs eating breakfast.

I continue to wake up everyone else and we all head downstairs and join Seth (ha! I was right) for breakfast. It was a pretty silent event, when we finished we split up. Those of us who can drive take half of the ones who can’t and someone else takes the other half. Today it was Jason and Ben’s turn so I didn’t have to worry about getting everyone to school.

I went to pick up my best friend, Alex. He’s been my friend ever since we were 6 years old. He stole my markers when we were in first grade. When I went to get them back we got into this huge fight about how it’s wrong to steal and which color marker is better.

We’ve been friends ever since.

“Good morning,” he says to me. I just look at him in response. He knows I hate mornings so he does everything he can to irritate the crap out of me. It’s not enough that he basically lives in my house; no he has to pick on me in the mornings too.

“So aren’t you ready for a new year?” he asks, while he simultaneously pokes my face. I slap his hand away and tell him to let me drive.

He chuckles for a minute but then leaves me alone. I guess he’s not too psyched about school either. See, we’re not the most popular people in the world, actually we’re each other’s only friend. Neither of us care too much, we’re pretty used to it but that doesn’t mean we have to enjoy it. I don’t see why he’s not popular though. Alex is hot! He looks almost exactly like Rob Lowe when he played Sodapop in The Outsiders. I mean he should have all the girls falling over him but, he doesn’t. I thought it was because of me, so when I asked him he just shrugged and said “I don’t really notice.” So, I let it go.

Ten minutes later we’re in the parking lot and it’s packed! It’s like half the population of the world goes to this school. So as usual I find a place in the back to park and together we make our way through the doors of our own personal hell.

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