Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I hear footsteps behind me and know that Alex is actually chasing after me. I run down the stairs, through the kitchen, into the living room and stop in front of the couch.

Alex stops behind the couch.

I try to run left but he goes the same way, I go to the right but he’s there too. With my limited choices I decide to go over the couch hoping he doesn’t grab me in the process.

I back up a little until my legs hit the coffee table, then I run and jump up on the seats, and over the back without Alex catching me. I let out a little victory yell and continue my little two-people game of tag, laughing my ass off in the process.

Thinking it may be a good idea to run out the front door, I head that way. But, whatever plan that was forming in head is ruined when I feel two hands come around my waist from behind me.

“You are so going to pay for that Mikayla,” I hear Alex whisper in my ear.

“Oh yeah? How?” I ask tauntingly.

Before he can reply I’m ripped out of his arms with so much force that my savior and I tumble to the floor with me landing on top.

I look down and see Tristan under me grinning wildly, “I told you I’d protect you,” he says. I can’t help but blush a little at his comment… and the suggestive position we’re in. I move a little, about to get up, but I see him wince in pain.

“Are you okay?” I ask trying to shift my position on him but stop when he winces again.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He says, but he still sounds unsure.

I finally manage to get off of him without hurting him anymore and then turn back to help him up. When I turn around to face Alex, I can see he’s trying not to laugh.

“What?” I ask him, though I already know the answer.

“Nothing.” He says innocently, amusement lighting up his face.

“Hey you were the one making out with your new girlfriend on my bed.”

He glares at me, all amusement gone. “I’m gonna get you back for that you know.”

“Yeah, sure you are.” I say sarcastically. I leave both boys downstairs and head back up to my room to find Alyssa.

She’s walking around my room looking for her stuff to put in her backpack. She stops when she sees me and immediately her face turns tomato red.

“Mikayla I’m so sorry I-”

I hold up a hand to stop her apology. “Don’t apologize, that’s exactly what I wanted to happen.”

She looks at me, confused. “What?”

“I wanted you and Alex to get together. I’ve known for a long time that he liked you and I could see that you liked him too, but I could also see that you two would probably never tell each other so Tristan gave me the idea to lock you guys in room together and that’s exactly what I did.” I explain with a smile on my face. “Apparently my plan worked, I am sorry for locking you in a room though, that may have been a bit uncivil.”

She laughs at that, “No it’s okay really. It’s a little weird but you’re right, I don’t think I ever would have told him. So thank you, for that.”

I smile at her, pleased with my work. “You’re welcome.”

Alex and Tristan come into the room now, Alyssa turns to Alex “I’m about to head home, do you need a ride?” she asks, knowing that he doesn’t have a car.

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