Chapter Ten

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Made it to Chapter Ten! First double digit chapter! That’s an accomplishment for me :)

Dedication goes to mariposa99 for taking my cover and making it beautiful! <3

Chapter Ten

The next day I’m on my way to school with Alex.

I called him last night and told him what happened with Liam. He loves my brothers, so hearing what happened with Liam didn’t go so well with him. He wanted to go find the kids that did it and give them a taste of their own medicine, blah blah blah. When it finally got too threatening, I changed the subject and told him about Danny.

Of course being Alex, he freaked out and bombarded me with tons of questions.

“What? Danny asked you out? Why? What did you say? What did he say? How come he’s never asked you before? When is your date? Wait, did you say yes?”

After telling him that I didn’t really say no and that I told Danny I would think about it, he asked “Well, what about Tristan?”

I never answered.

The truth is, I don’t know about Tristan. I mean I really like him and we’ve become pretty good friends but I don’t know if I want to be more than friends. Yeah, my heart goes erratic and my hands sweat whenever he’s around but that’s just because I’m attracted to him.

But, then again, I’m getting to know more about him.

After getting over being shy, he’s really opened up. He’s pretty funny and has a fun sense of humor. He’s really sweet when he wants to be, even though he can be a little awkward when he’s around other people besides Alex, Alyssa, and I. We like a lot of the same things, like music and what we like to do for fun. But, despite learning all these different things about him, he still seems like a mystery to me. I think it’s because he never talks about his past or his family, but I can’t be sure.

So, when Alex asks me the same question again this morning, I tell him that I’m not sure and go on to explain why.

I guess he understands because he doesn’t ask anything else about Tristan. Instead he asks, “So, are you gonna go out with Danny then?”

I take a minute to think about it, Danny’s really nice and everything but…

“No, I don’t think so. I like Danny, but just as a friend.”

Alex just nods in response.

Wanting to change the subject I ask, “Have you decided when you’re gonna ask Alyssa out?”

He groans in irritation, “Will you quit asking me that? I told you, I’ll do it when I’m ready.”

I glance at him briefly in disbelief, “So that means never?”

I see him glare at me in my peripheral vision. “Shut up, Micky.”

“Come on Alex. You’re like in love with her, and she obviously likes you too! Just tell her.”

“Just drop it Mikayla.”

“No way.”

“God you’re so annoying.” He mumbles. Obviously I wasn’t meant to hear that.

“Excuse me?! I thought we established a long time ago that you’re the annoying one in this relationship.” I say, pretending to be offended.

“What relationship?” He retorts.

I gasp and put a hand to my chest in mock hurt. “Alex. I can’t believe you!”

Now he starts to play along. “What? You know I wanted out of this relationship soon after it started!”

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