Chapter Two

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Morgan's POV

Nothing has really happened during the past two classes besides taking notes and explaining rules. I haven't spoken to anyone else today besides Julie. Julie. Her name keeps slipping into my thoughts. I felt like myself and care free around her. We haven't had any more classes together yet, which is disappointing, but I'm hoping we might have one or two more. There's just something about her that makes me want to be around her.

     I head to my locker to switch out my books for the next 2 classes until lunch. I smile to myself as I see the unmistakable high blond ponytail of Julie a few lockers down. She shuts her locker and turns, facing my direction.

     I look at her and it takes her a second but I know she remembers our encounter from this morning because her cheeks turn red as she relives the embarrasment. I can't help but laugh and start to walk over to her.

     "Hey J-" Suddenly, the girl I was walking by opened her locker and it hit me square in the face.

   "Oh my god, are you okay?" Julie asks with concern, even though I know she's trying not to laugh her ass off.

    "My face is gonna be fine...I think it's more my pride that got hurt."  I groan.

    Julie bursts out laughing while the girl that hit me frantically apologizes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "I swear, I'm fine." I chuckle. She lets out a sigh and finally starts laughing.

    "Okay, good, I thought you might've been one of those people that would've beat me up! I'm Meghan by the way, but you can just call me Kling."  

    I smile, replying, "My name's Morgan and that's Julie." Julie waves and Meghan goofily smiles at her.

   Just then, Meghan looks down at her watch and yells, "Gotta blast! Sorry again, Morgan!" as she runs off to her next class. Julie and I just stare at her as she makes her way down the hall.

"Okay..that was a little odd." I laugh.

"Mhm." Julie hums, still grinning from what just happened. "What classes do you have next?" 

    I pull out my schedule and look at it. "I have History next and Health after that." I double check it and nod.

    Julie checks her schedule."Well, we have Health together but not our next class. I have English which starts.." Her eyes widen as she realizes the time. "Gonna be late! Bye, Morgan!"

She sprints off and I quickly turn away to find my classroom.

Julie's POV

   Finally..this stupid class is over. I rub my eyes and get up, heading out of the classroom. I look around, realizing I have no clue where the Health classroom is.

    "Great.." I murmur under my breath. Alright, just don't be late. If you're early enough there will be a seat open by Morgan. Just find a nice enough looking sophomore or junior. They'll help you. I sigh. Most people are talking to each other or walking in groups. I spot a tall, dark haired girl talking to a shorter brunette with freckles sprayed across her nose in the hallway, but the shorter one walks away, leaving the girl alone. Alright, just hurry up and talk to her. You're just asking for directions. I silently give myself a pep talk and walk over to her. She doesn't notice me at first, but she seems frustrated. I almost decide to walk away but a moment of bravery washes over me and I clear my throat. The girls head shoots up and I quickly lose all confidence. Code red! Code red! I was not prepared!

    "Er..Hi.." I manage, giving a nervous laugh. "Do you know where the Health classroom is? It's in room B11."

The girl looks very annoyed and mutters something inaudible. She looks back down at her phone and continues texting something. I rub the back of my neck again, a bad habit I seem to have. "Sorry I'll-" I start to say, but she cuts me off by holding up her hand, signaling for me to wait.

     "Just turn the corner and it's the first door on the right." She states forcefully. I'm a little taken back from her voice. It sounded..completely different than I expected it would, considering it seemed like she sort of had a resting bitch face.

"Thanks." I quickly turn and walk away. Well.. that went better than expected..not. I whip around the corner and hardly avoid crashing into Morgan who was standing outside the door.

  "Morgan!" I yelp. "Why were you standing right by the door?"

   "I was waiting." Morgan grins, like it's obvious.

   "For who? Me?" I ask, silently hoping she would say yes.

    "No, I'm waiting for the icecream man to drive by so I can buy a cone." She states, rolling her eyes. I actually believe her for a second and she bursts out laughing. "Of course I'm waiting for you, Julie!" She exclaims. "Come on, let's go inside."

  We find seats by each other without too much trouble and claim them, sitting down. The professor soon comes in and starts explaining a few things.

   "Alright, I am aware that it is the first day but we will waste no time." He says plainly.

   "Thank God lunch is next. I'm so hungry." Morgan complains. I laugh and the lights turn off while the projector turns on.

   "This semester we will be learning about the human body." The professor adds before the video begins to play.

     Morgan gags loudly. "Okay, nevermind, I just lost my appetite."


wow. way to update often. IM SO FRICKEN SORRY OMFBFNFN. but good news, I finally got the cast off my broken hand and SUMMER IS GETTING CLOSER. sorry all my writing is trash but \_(•_•)_/. soo depressing story I was at universal in florida and SAMMY, MAL, AND EMILY WERE THERE AT THE SAME TIME AND WE COULDN'T FIND THEM. ;-(. anyways, im gonna try to update atleast once a week unlike how I waited over a month before updating this time... whoops..but I was definatly not expecting this story to get so many views so thanks for reading!! love you guys. ps I gave up on sounding all mature and using caps in my author's note.

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