Appreciation. #2

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My daughter:

You are seriously too much for me. XD You are crazy are probably one of my first kids I ever had on wattpad. *smiles*
I love you. ♡♡
Stay strong for me.
But also stay strong for yourself. ♡


Even if you get Olive's name wrong, I love you- xD
I laugh everytime-
Anyway, you are a crazy woman, but with a kind heart. You are loyal.
You are you.
You are Meulin.
And I love that so much. ♡♡


I can't believe we first met each other from on Drunk Ciel account. XD
Things were so different back than, huh?
But..when I deleted that missed me.
You actually cried for me..
And I..
Thank you. ((':
That made me realize that you actually cared for me.
Even though we don't talk much now..I still have you back. *bro did emoji* And I'm happy for that. ♡♡
So thanks, Jai.


Emmet, I dunno. XD
You push me out.
You push me back in.
But what I do that you try.
You try to stay strong.
You try to show the world what you can do.
You are a wonderful woman.
A beautiful woman.
And I love that. ((:
Even if you did replace me for someone else..
I still love you. ((':
So keep staying strong.
Keep staying happy.
Because you are one of a kind. ♡♡

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