Holiday House

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I couldn't wait, as that meant that we would soon be going down to our holiday house on the coast. We decided to bring Caspian with us, as we would be away for about four weeks and I could not bear to be apart from him.

When the school year had finishes, we packed our things that we needed for our stay down the coast. I was so excited about bringing Caspian to the beach and seeing his reaction to the sand and waves. When we finally arrived to our beach house, I picked up Caspian and went straight to the beach.

It was a beautiful bright day and the waves smoothl and steady. The blue water was crystal clear and dolphins were swimming just beyond the water breaks. I went onto the beach and the glittering sand warmed my feet. I then ran into the water, holding Caspian and felt the cooling water on my legs.

The following weeks were great. Caspian and I went to the beach every day. We went on a boat ride, ran side by side on the warm sand and I made sand castles while Caspian sat beside me. The days turned into weeks and soon it was time to return home and school.

I really missed Caspian when I returned to school. One bright afternoon, after school, I found Caspian not being able to move. His head was droopy and he looked very sad. He tried to get up very slowly but was unable to.

He tried again to lift his head gently again and as he did, a tear drop fell from his left eyes. I did not know what was happening to him. I yelled out to mum that something was wrong with Caspian. I wondered if I had done something to make him unwell.

When mum saw Caspian, she picked him up and told us that we had to get him to a vet as soon as possible. We ran into the car and went straight to the vet. When we arrived at the vert surgery, the receptionist took one look at Caspian and called the vet.

The vet looked over at Caspian and took a blood sample. We had to leave Caspian over night. It was such a sad sight, seeing him in a huge cage.


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