«25. T O O L A T E

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|Dylan's pov.|

All the shade Melanie is throwing lately is wowza

did you just say 'wowza'

i did. I did and i liked it very much

anyways, yeah it is 'wowza' and she needs to stop

Big dyl;
i mean i can sort of understand where shes coming from i mean maddie is her sister

I understand where she's coming from, i left maddie in the dust and i screwed up but that doesn't give her an excuse to attack Sunday at every chance she gets when Sunday has done nothing wrong.

Arden the cutie;
you're young i mean it's normal

daddy long leg shelley;
Arden has a point

Queen H;
you did mess up with Maddie but i mean melanie's in the wrong too for getting involved

i know, i practically led maddie on and left her, but I didn't mean to. We just grew apart and I truly felt unhappy. I didn't want to stay in a relationship that did more harm then good.
maddie was and still is a great girl but she isn't someone i can see myself truly loving

Queen H;
and can you see yourself that way with Sunday?

truthfully? That's quite possible. I mean there's just something about her. I love the way her eyes sparkle and have fire in them when she's talking about something passionate and I love how she's not afraid to be honest, I love how her nose crinkles when she laughs and i love how her eyebrows furrow when she's annoyed, and how her northern accent gets stronger whilst so. and yes she's not as generous or sweet as Maddie and she can be the biggest pain in the ass but she's my pain in the ass and I wouldn't want it any other way

Daddy long leg shelley;


Big dyl;
they grow so fast :'-)

Queen H;
ignore the children Dylan, but that was cute now here's some advice; one, tell Sunday this before it's too late, and maybe you should talk to Maddie. Get some closure because it's not fair for any of you guys to go through any of this and it especially isn't fair to Sunday who's in the crossfire


good luck my child


To; maddie

we need to talk.

oh boy.


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