«26. C L O S U R E

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|Dylan's POV.|

I messed up that night

yeah, you did.

I left you and to do it through text message was fucked up and i'm sorry and i regret the way things ended

me too

but i don't regret ending things


truthfully? You were my first love and i'll always love you because of that but i left because our love was dying out and i couldn't stay in something that made me happy so i left

and if i hadn't left, i wouldn't have met Sunday

you really like her, don't you?

i do. I really do.
and yes she's polar opposites, but i love that about her and i'm happy and i wish that you will get your happiness too

thanks Dylan

i'm sorry things ended the way they did but i'm glad that out of this, i found two of the most important things in my life, Love and Happiness

so you're happy?

i am, i really am

then i'm happy for you, dylan and she seems lovely

she is

i'm glad you're happy

well i'm going to go but I wish you luck in life and i hope you live a happy one, you deserve it

you too. Dylan?


thanks for being my almost

thank you for being my almost too, things have might not ended the way we expected, but out of this chaotic mess, I found meaning, so thank you.

goodbye, dylan.

goodbye,  Maddie.


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