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Scarlett ' s POV

Hey there... this is my story.... don't judge.

When I was only five years old my dad left my mom because he had no more love for her. Honestly, I think it was because he wanted a boy instead of me. Which, kinda hurts me.

My mom didn't raise me all to well, because before I knew it she was quitting work, smoking weed, drinking beer, and leaving me while her mind went somewhere else.

At age 10, one of my neighbors called the cops on my mom. They found out the way I was living and put me in with my grandma.

Now I'm 16, my birthday. Yay...

But that's not all, I have powers...

I found that out when I was 11. The power of strength. It was fun at first, but then it got crazy.

I broke down doors just by opening it. Broke a guy's hand at school for poking me, but he moved thankfully. However, I did get control of it once I started practicing.

My grandma and I moved to a small town, sadly I have to go to a new school called Hills. Which is pretty stupid name for a school.

Hopefully I won't make friends, that would be easier for me to keep my secret... even my grandma doesn't know.

The bus stopped with a jolt causing me to hit my head against the window. Once the door opened, everyone bolted out making me the last one out.

This is my first time being here. I'm scared.

The front office wasn't far thankfully.

"You must be Scarlett." The office lady said. She had blonde hair which was in a pony tail, her eyes were a beautiful green color which made her even more beautiful. But I had am eery feeling about her.


"Here you go. And Mr. Brown here will help you with the classes." She said. I was a little confused until he spoke.

"Hey." He said. I didn't even see him when I came in. Creepy.

Actually he was kinda hot. He had short brown hair and a smile that could knock someone out. His body spoke to me.

"What's your first class?" He asked as he held the door for me.

"Uh... Chemistry." I said while we walked.

"Hey, that's my first period."

Oh yes. Score one for me. This day doesn't seem that bad anymore.

The bell rung, which still didn't take my eyes from him.

"Come on." He said and guided me to wherever.

Walking into a class, he introduced me to the teacher, Mr. Adams.

"Hello there." Mr.Adams said and shook my hand.


"Please, sit where you like." He said

"You can sit with me."

He guided me to the back. People were already in here filling half of the chairs.

After we were seated, I asked, "So...what's your name?"


That is a sexy name. Grrr

"That's a nice name." I said

"Yours too." He said

"Thanks." I was probably blushing.

The bell rung. I noticed in the front of the class, a girl was looking at me as if I was stupid. Which I am. But that still didn't give her the right to look at me like that.

I stared back at her. She probably liked Damon or something. I also had a eery feeling about her.

"Okay class, today we are gonna learn about..." Was all I heard during the whole period.

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