Chapter 23 - The Four Ingredients.

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So here's the next chapter. Thanks a lot guys for the 5k+ reads and 775+ votes. It means a lot to me <3 Love you guys :-)

Chapter dedicated to Sciles Soleangelo. :-)

Picture is of Jenny.

Jim's POV

I had been waiting for Harry. He had gone to fill up the water jug. Unusual that he took a bit long to come back. I just sat down on the bed thinking of how things had turned out. I mean. He asked me to sleep with him. Ofcourse he didn't mean it the way I'm taking it to be but all these happenenings were making my crush on Harry get more strong.

Well, I just hope I control myself tonight and I don't get horny. Just then, Harry came in.

"Uh-Can we sleep now?" I said a bit blushing. Well, yeah I directly asked because one, I wanna sleep next to this hot guy and two, I'm really sleepy.

"Yeah. Just if you don't mind....ummm... I've this habit of sleeping on with my boxers on.... is it cool with you?" Harry said sheepishly.

Wow. If this is a dream, I don't want it to get over. My crush sleeping next to me only with his boxers on. I just hope I don't get horny or I don't get a wet dream.

He said he has the habit of sleeping like that. Did. He. Sleep. Like. That. With. Ken? No shit.

"You used to sleep like that with Ken?" I asked instantly regretting why I asked it. Shit, I sound like a jealous girlfriend.

"No! He never allowed me to sleep like that. He says if I sleep like that, I stink so yeah. You know Ken... He's Janet in a milder and a male form." We both laughed. Yeah I mean, that's so Ken. Ken just likes scented things. And sometimes I feel Ken and Janet would actually be a perfect couple but well, Janet is over Ken for like three years now.

Well, forget them... I need to set up my love story first and sleep with a half naked Harry.

"It's okay... you c-can sleep the way y-you want!" I said blushing. I really need to stop blushing. I hope there are anti-blushing tablets in this world. I definitely need them.

Harry stripped off to be only in his green boxers and lay next to me. I silently wished if I could sleep in my boxers as well but.... I still had the scars... the one's I got when I did self harm. And no way was Harry gonna see them. I wasn't ready to face his reaction on that yet so I slept with my clothes on. And yeah, I still have to come out to him.

He switched off the lights and then we fell asleep. Well, Harry did stink but of sweat and I liked that smell. It was tempting.

I woke up and there was complete darkness. I unlocked my phone and saw 3:34am. I woke up because I had a dream.... a dream of me and Harry having a make out session. And well, I did have a wet dream. I could feel the wetness. Just then, I realized that Harry was cuddled to me with his right hand wrapped around me and his bare chest and abs touching my back.

Somehow I managed to get out of the cuddle and went to the bathroom. I undressed and washed my boxers and wrapped a towel and entered the room and removed my another boxers. I went back to the bathroom and got dressed and came back and slept next to Harry who instantly cuddled me again. Well, I was sure that I won't get a wet dream again but someone help me, my boner was getting out of control. Well, I started counting sheeps and with that I fell asleep again.

The sound of Harry's alarm woke me and Harry up only to dicover that my face was stuck to his bare chest and he had cuddled me tightly.

"Uh..umm.. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Harry said with some awkwardness and a bit..... blushing?

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