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Layla was bracing herself for the rejection. With an astonished look on his face Tyler started to reply. "Um well yes I will go to the dance with you." "Oh ok well... What you said yes?" "Yes I said yes" "Great!" "Well see you tomorrow!" "You too" Tyler replied.
Layla bubbled with excitement as she pushed through the door to her house letting go a sigh of relief. "Why so happy?" Her dad questioned her. "Nothing just a... great day a school." "Good to hear."her dad said as she retreated to her room. When she finally turned the door knob to her quarters Layla collapsed onto her comfy bed. Her head hit the pillow and sent her to sleep.
"Shit" Layla exclaimed stretching her arms. "How long have I been asleep?" Looking at the clock Layla was relived to know she she had only dozed off for 32 minutes. Still to shocked to believe what has happened after school was reality she picked up her phone and texted Alice.
"Did Tyler really say yes to me?"
Setting her phone down Layla made her way across the room to her closet. For the first time Layla started rumbling through her clothes looking for the perfect outfit.
After hours upon hours of endless searching Layla decided there was no way she owned a dress that wasn't for a four year old. It made since because four was about the last time Layla had even attempted to wear a dress.

She started to skim her room for the small pink piggy bank she had received for her sixth birthday. When she finally found it behind the piles of books and wrappers on her shelve she popped the cork out from the bottom. Emptying the loose change and crinkled dollar bills on to the juice stained carpet Layla started to count the only amount of money she owned. Afterwards she concluding at she has exactly $34.67. In remorse Layla picked up her phone and started to dial a number.
Alice was practically dancing around Jc Penny's as Layla glared at her with a spiteful look. "Come on party pooper stop bitching!" "We are shopping for a dance dress it's not a wedding!" Layla growled in a sarcastic tone witch made Alice giggle in delight. "This is the first time you have agreed to go shopping come on!" Alice said sticking out her bottom lip as if she were about to start shedding tears. "Fine" Layla scoffed regretting her choice of shopping buddy.

After what felt like hours of modeling dresses, Layla had settled for something simple and element to Alice's remorse who preferred glitter and glam. Layla was relived to pull out of the mall parking lot, and knowing that it would be quite a long while till she returned.

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