I lay in my quiet little Tokyo apartment. It was 10 o'clock at night. I was reading a book called 13th Reality. And everything seemed fine.
I breathed in. I breathed out.
I flipped the page.
I wasn't paying too much attention to the book. I glanced over to a flower on the window sill. After a few minutes of staring, a petal fell off and floated gently to the ground.
I flipped the page.
I looked over to my right to see my computer still shining dully, threatening to fall asleep at any minute. The screen powered down, turned to black. I looked at my alarm clock on my night stand. 10:01.
I flipped the page.
There was a slight knock on my door.
I wasn't necessarily in the mood for company, so I just kept reading.
I hear my door slowly creak open. When I look up from my book, I saw him.
The infamous Eye-patch Ghoul.
I start to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth.
He forced me back down on my bed and started eating me.
Blood ran through my sheets and starting dripping on the floor. The pain was too much... Eventually I blacked out. When I woke up, the Ghoul was squatting on the window sill, next to the beautiful flower. Another petal fell off. He caught it in his hand and blew it off into the night city sky.
I couldn't speak. He had bitten my neck too close to my vocal cords. The pain was real, the agony was unbearable. I rolled onto my side that wasn't all torn up. I picked up my phone and dialed 119* for an ambulance.
The Ghoul jumped down from my window.
"119, what's the emergency?"
I tried to speak as loud as I could.
"I... I was... attacked..."
My voice sounded raspy and scratchy.
"I'm sorry miss, could you repeat that?"
I wanted to scream.
"I was... attacked... by the eye... the Eyepatch Ghoul..."
"WHAT?" I hear on the other end of the line. "Miss, we're on our way!"
She hung up and I just drop my phone. My arm lay limp, hanging off the edge of my bed.
By now I was blood soaked. My entire body was covered in blood and so was the floor below. I tried to move my arm, but it felt like lead. I was dizzy from blood loss. The room was spinning.
My life before seemed years ago. Seemed so different, so much lighter, almost like a dream.
He flipped the page.
So this is my first Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction, I was inspired by another one that I had read, but I can't seem to find it anywhere! I wish I knew what it was called, or even the author, but oh well =\
Anyways, this fic is about a college student that lives alone and one night is targeted by our favorite one-eyed ghoul. Keep in mind I'm not a very experienced writer but here I am anyways, trying and hoping for the best.
* I had to look up the emergency number for Tokyo, seeing as I do in fact live in America and I wouldn't know these things. If it's wrong, then sorry.
Also yes yes, I do write this story taking place in Tokyo but they're speaking English. Also because I live in America and I don't speak Japanese.
Too bad.

He flipped the page- a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction
أدب الهواةI lay in bed, reading, just like any normal night. I flipped the page. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. He reaches my bed and I feel nothing but pain. Fear and agony. Blood drips off the side of my bed. He flipped the page.