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451. Having trouble opening a nail polish bottle? Wrap rubber bands around the top to make opening the bottles easier.

452. Don't have internet on your phone? You can text GOOGLE (466453) and they will give you search results for things like a local coffee house, last night's basketball score, a quick dollars-to-euros conversion, etc.

453. Eating mint can relieve stress and cure a headache.

454. Want ninja-like reflexes? Eating more spinach and eggs will make your reflexes become sharper and your vision clearer.

455. To study faster, read the first and last paragraphs and skim through the middle. It's just as effective as reading everything.

456. See stars twinkling faster than normal? Get indoors. It means a storm is coming.

457. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.

458. There is an app called Pizza Compass that will guide you to the closest place to buy pizza!

459. Make your chips taste better: Open the bag from the bottom, where all the flavour sinks to.

460. Gatorade tastes sweet when you're dehydrated and tastes sour when you're hydrated.

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