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161. If you ever get caught doing something embarrassing in public, say you lost a bet.

162. Want to go on a barefoot bicycle ride? Sponges make pedalling barefoot impossible.

163. Smelly sneakers? Put them in Zip-Lock bags and freeze them. Same goes with jeans.

164. The most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. You'de be surprised as how it can make people see the flaws in their logic.

165. Paying for college and not going to class is like paying for a hotel and sleeping on a bench.

166. Giving a presentation? Always bring a bottle of water to the stage. When you can't remember what to say, take a drink. Nobody will know the difference.

167. Want to remember you dreams? Drink half glass of water before going to bed and half a glass of water when waking up. It works!

168. The less you eat sweets, the less you will crave them. It's that simple.

169. Starting your day with 30 minutes of exercise will make you 10% smarter for the rest of the day.

170. If you're a smoker and can't/don't want to quit, drink more black tea. It helps prevent the lung damage caused by smoking.

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