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381. Invisible book shelf (shown in pictures).

382. On March 9th you can get a free glazed donut from Krispy Kreme!

383. If your camera is ever stolen, go to StolenCameraFinder.com. This site allows you to upload an old photo from your camera (with the embeded serial number) and will show you if someone has been posting images with the same serial number on the internet.

384. Life Tip: In a social situation and don't know anyone? Keep in mind that it's better to be interested in other people than to try be interesting.

385. A box fan can help a blanket fort stay up, while also making sure the person inside is getting enough air.

386. Having trouble sleeping? Researchers say that 1 week of camping, without electronics resets our biological body clock and synchronizes our melatonin hormones with sunrise and sunset.

387. Wash your shower curtain with salt when you first buy it and it will never mold!

388. Life Tip: Success is not the tip to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

389. Life Tip: Be wary of who you keep around you. Personalities, traits and words rub off naturally.

390. UnPlugtheTV.com will play informative and fascinating videos for you to watch instead of TV.

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