That day

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It had been after the war with Gaea was over that Nico found himself drawn to Reyna.
Ever since that day her words echoed through his mind.
"we once had one home and now we have two"
She had pulled him aside from the shadows and embraced him at the campfire, not caring that people were watching,
and said those words.
The gesture had been enough to make Nico cry, after all, it had been a long time since since he had felt that close to anyone before, with the exception of Hazel of course. But it was different, Hazel was his sister so it was mutual, unlike Reyna.
Nico found himself lying awake at times thinking about that day. About her.
As much as he tried he couldn't push away the memory. It was etched in his brain. Stuck like a broken record.
Finally he couldn't stand it anymore, he wanted to see her again, his first real friend, or at least he thought she was his friend, and decided to visit camp Jupiter.

Reyna was lost.
Ever since she had left Camp Half-Blood, she carried an emptiness inside her.
All she could think about was his sunken eyes and how he seemed so broken. Like her.
Nico was the first person to have known about her past, besides Hylla. She liked having someone around who she could relate to, and talk about her problems.
When she was with Nico she felt as if she didn't have to carry the weight of the world on her, like she didn't need to keep up that strong front.
She would pace in her office dealing with the troubles of New Rome, never having time to relax, and when she did all she could do was worry about Aphrodite's words.
Finally the stress had reached her and she couldnt stay in that room anymore. So she decided to go to her favorite place, the gardens of Bacchus.

There the two met again.
A/N: Case you haven't noticed, this will be a Reynico story. Sorry Solangelo shippers! Anywas this was just the prologue, of how they met again and became best friends, the first chapter is next.
Thank you for reading my story!
Infinity out!

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