Relaxation is best with a movie

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Nico's POV
What do you want Nico? Reyna asked not bothering to look up from the paperwork.
When are you gonna finish?
She sighed.
If this keeps up I'll probably finish by next month.
I groaned. She had been working all day and it was now 10:00.
Then when DO you get a break?
Im not sure if "break" is even in my vocabulary.
That, I cannot accept!
I got up and snatched the papers away from her, holding them over my head.
Hey! Nico, I need to finish!
She tried to reach for them but her attempts were useless, considering I was 4 inches taller than her (I had grown a lot since the past year).
She gave up and sighed.
I miss the days when I was taller, she grumbled under her breath.
I smirked, something i had been doing a lot lately.
What was that Rey?
Whats it gonna take for you to give me back my work?
I grinned and took her wrist, dragging her out of the office. Soon we were in front of the Hades cabin.
What are- i cut her off by pulling her inside.
Okay. NOW will you tell me what we're doing here?
I just thought you needed to relax. So i thought: Whats the perfect way to get rid of stress? Until I came up with the solution of a movie, I gestured toward the T.V.
She raised a questioning eyebrow.
"How'd you even get a t.v?"
"Thats a story for another day."
There was a short silence as Reyna stared me down, suspicion evident on her face. I was the one to break it.
Well what are we waiting for? I walked towards the black couch.
She sighed before following.
So, what movie did you have in mind? She asked whilst sitting down.
Hmmm well I've actually been watching a lot of disney movies lately, considering I never got to have a childhood.
She smirked.
Let me guess, your favorites Hercules?
Hades is not how they put him out to be. And no. My favorite is the Lion King.
Of course.
She seemed like she wanted to say something but I cut her off.
Here it is! Treasure planet(my personal favorite). I raised the cd in triumph before popping it into the DVD player and sitting next tho Reyna.
Lights illuminated the dark room as the movie started, displaying the disney castle.

After about 30 minutes into the movie, Reyna started to nod off.
All that work must've finally gotten to her.
Seeing this as a sign, I grabbed her gently and set her head on my lap. She immediately curled up and started quietly  snoring.
I smiled and played with her hair, before I too fell into a dreamless sleep.
•Next morning•
Reynas POV
I awoke to the feeling of warmth.
As I groggily opened my eyes, I realized the position I was currently in.
Blood rushed to my cheeks as I realized I was hugging Nico.
I slowly raised my head to find him staring at me, a slight pink tinting his cheeks.
Minutes passed by as I tried to find something to say but nothing came out, Nico seemed just as baffled.
Once I set my thoughts strait I immediately got up and cleared my throat.
What time is it?
Nico looked to the side, slightly blushing.
8:00 am.
My eyes widened in realization, my embarrassment being replaced by astonishment.
Why didn't you wake me? I asked, a slight sternness in my voice.
Nico noticed this and wavered.
You looked so peaceful and calm, I thought you could do without the stress for another few hours.
My face softened.
I cleared my throat, well thanks, but I need to go Frank is still new at the whole praetor thing so he's probably lost right now.
Nico nodded.
So I'll see you later? He asked
Yeah. And with that I left towards the office where a pile of paperwork awaited.
A/N: Hello fellow Reynico shippers! How was it? Continue or not? I honestly don't have a plot for this story So I'll probably just write whatever comes to mind and hope that you enjoy!
Infinity out!

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