Is it only me?

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Nico's POV
I woke up feeling restless
Yesterday's events had kept me up for a good amount of the night leaving me in a pit of self resentment and embarrassment.
What did her face look like as I left?
I groaned.
Probably annoyed, if anything.
When I felt up to the task, I got up and got ready for the day ahead.
Perhaps everything would be normal as usual, yeah the damage wasn't too bad.
I sighed, completely unconvinced.
Once I had finished getting dressed I stepped out, the breeze lifting my hair out of my face.
Here goes nothing.

Reynas POV
I couldn't sleep at all last night.
The picture had etched itself in my head, a burning memory that played itself again and again, sending my heart into a frenzy.
I breathed in the stuffy air and got up.
Work waits for no one after all.
I have no time for this, I have duties, people who count on me everyday.
Besides, it probably meant nothing to him.
Once I had finished getting ready I left through the front door and stepped into the spring breeze.
The fresh air felt good.
I closed my eyes and breathed it in, letting it engulf my lungs.
As my eyes opened I saw Nico.
A small blush instinctively spread on my cheeks.
Hey Reina, he greeted, his hand at the back of his neck.
I smiled, making sure to make it seem as natural as possible, as if I hadn't been pondering about him all night.
"Good morning" I breathed
He perked up a bit at the sound of my voice, a grin spreading across his face.

Nico's POV
Oh thank the gods.
She smiled.
I felt a wide grin spread across my face as she spoke, happy that she didn't think I was a creep and talked to me as usual.
We talked casually for a bit in front of her room, laughing as always.
The day went on smoothly, much to my relief.
A little too smoothly.
As if nothing had happened.
Reina and I were in her office when the thought came to my head.
Did it mean nothing to her?
How could she be so normal, while I had spent the entire day kicking myself for what happened?
Perhaps I was the only one who had felt something in that moment.
I scowled.
Reina looked up from her stack at papers.
"What's wrong?" She asked, a puzzled look in her eyes.
I looked up to meet them and let out a sigh.
"Nothing- just tired I think."
" Up all night again?" She asked, looking back at her papers.
I stared at her as she worked, her pen gracefully gliding through the paper.
"Yeah, pesky fly kept me up all night" I lied.
She glanced at me.
"You should probably go get some rest then"
I looked at her for a second before giving a small nod.
"Yeah- yeah maybe you're right" I waited for a second, hoping she'd ask me to stay. When she didn't, I ran a hand through my hair and got up towards the door.
I opened it and looked back, hoping she'd look at me before I left.
She didn't.

(A/N): Hi. It's been a while.
I want to start off by saying thank you for all the support I've received. This story started off as a fun little story with no basic plot line, I never thought people would actually enjoy it. Sorry I don't update as much as I should to be honest o forgot about this story and my account for a while. Life happens, but I'm back and hopefully better than ever. I have a lot of time on my hands now so I'll try to update as often as I can. I hope you are all safe with these trying times. Until next time.

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