Chapter 5: Kissin On Me, Continued...

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'Bottom of the Bottle by: August Alsina(😊), Curren$y and Lil Wayne' was playin in the background. That is my song. And I'm not just sayin that bcuz August is in it, I genuinely like the song.

I was movin my hips to the beat while sippin on my cranberry vodka. Ciara was next to me, she grabbed my hand and spun me around. Nicki was twerkin on some guy havin a good time.

"Ciara if you don't grab you one of these dudes!" Nicki exclaimed walkin over to her.

"Girl you know I'm wit Chris! And he would kill me!"

"Awe yea I so forgot!" She rolled her eyes.

"Aye where's Coco?" I asked. She just disappeared like 10 minutes ago.

"She said she was goin to the bathroom." Nicki shrugged.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the every stall. I opened up the last stall door and found Coco makin out with some guy. I pulled dude off her.

"Coco what the hell are you doin?!" I yelled. The guy got up and ran out.

"What are you talkin bout?" She asked getting up and walkin to the sink.

"Coco if Tyga finds out he is gon kill you! Come on we gotta go." I grabbed her arm and dragged her out the bathroom.

I met the girls in the middle of the dance floor and told them we need to get Coco home before papparizzi shows up.

When we got in the car Ciara was pissed off.

"What the hell Courtney?! Have you lost your fuckin mind!? How could you do that to Tyga!?" She yelled.

Coco sat back and covered her face with her hands. You could hear her soft sobs.

"Oh gosh! You're right. Tyga would kill me. I didn't even know what I was doing. I just- Oh gosh!' She sobbed harder. I hugged her and rocked her with comfort.

"Its okay Coco don't cry." I assured.

Ciara sighed and just focused on the road. The rest of the ride was silent. There was music playin but we cut it off.

Ciara took Nicki home bcuz they were gon stay with me at August's house. And we didn't want another one of those August and "Onika" episodes.😂

Next Day...
August POV

I woke up da' next mornin an' heard gigglin downstairs. But mo' importantly I smelled food.😀 I walked ta' da' bathroom, brushed ma' teeth an' washed my face. Den I threw on a white T-shirt befa' headin downstairs.

I saw Coco an' Ciara was hea' helpin ma' babyeh make breakfast. I came up behind ha' and kissed ha' cheek.

"Goodmornin Auggie!" She smirked.

"Mornin ta' u too Midget an' Coco an' Ciara!" I said wrappin my arms 'round ha'.

Ciara and Coco chuckled, "Good Mornin."

"Ight now move so I can finish cookin." Jordin said.

"But babyeh! I wantchu fa' breakfast." I said seductively as bit down lightly on her ear.

"Sorry maybe for dinner. Maybe." She laughed.

Mane that's petty.😒

I looked at Coco and she looked drawn. Like sumn was on ha' mind, "You good Coco."

"Huh? Oh yea! I'm straight." She said nervously.

I think she knew I didn't believe ha' cuz she walked pass me ta' da livin room. She cut on the tv and you won't believe what the story was.

'Singer Coco Jones and an unknown peer were caught in a steamy setting. Is this her way of telling ,Rapper, Tyga that it's over? Or was it a drunken mistake? We'll have more on the story when we come back. On ET.'

Awe shidd.😶

Sorry to leave y'all in suspense.😂 But um excuse mistakes. And I'll update soon so stay tuned.

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