15 - Cupcakes

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"I can explain," he started off before I interrupted him.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from his. I just want this one answer and then I will leave, I don't want to be sucked into his lies again. I'm done.

"It was him or you," he whispered, looking down before looking back up at me, tears in his eyes.

"What the fuck does that even mean!" I screamed into the phone, earning glares from the loved ones around me.

"If I didn't end his life, he would have ended yours Lizzy. He's the same guy who was after your mother, the same one who killed mine."

"What?" I was so confused at this point, but I wanted to hear more.

"He killed my mother instead of Leda because she wasn't there, it was just Mum and she was killed. He was tracking your mother after that, everywhere we went, he would be there too, soon after we arrived. I told your mother that I took care of him so that she wouldn't freak out even more once we found out that you were inside of her. I told her that he was gone, but I lied."

"Yeah, you seem to be pretty good at that," I muttered before rolling my eyes.

"I deserved that," he sighed. "Anyway he disappeared for a while. I knew he was still around but I never knew where nor did I know why he was so determined to kill her, and once she passed away, that's when I saw him again, but this time he was standing in front of your crib, watching you sleep, knife in hand, ready to end your life. The news probably left that one out, or changed the story, but he was there to kill you and that's why I did what I did, it was to end all of this madness and protect you from him, make sure no one was able to hurt you anymore. Before I pulled the trigger, I got out of him why he was after your mother and you."

"What did he say?" I was still staring at him.

"He said that your mothers mother wanted her and any child that she had, dead. Leda never really talked about her family, I knew her mother was fucked in the head, but I didn't know to what extreme."

"So you mean to tell me that my own grandmother paid to have her daughter and any children she had, killed?" 

"Yes," was all he said, afraid to say anything else.

"This family has cost me so much shit. I lost my child, I lost myself, I lost all faith in my future and all I can thank for that is you and your lies. I am grateful that you told me all of this, but it doesn't change anything. I was going to forgive you, hell I did forgive you because I needed my father, but now, after this, I don't think I want you in my life. I need to focus on myself and get myself better. But before I leave, tell me one thing. How long have you and Alice been sneaking around everyones backs?"

"We've been together since the day she left," he muttered. "Please don't shut me out Lizzy," he cried out, this time real tears escaping his eyes.

"Goodbye Dad," I whispered into the phone, tears running down my face as well as I stared at him one last time before hanging up the phone and standing up. I walked away from the booth, hearing him call out to me, begging me not to leave him, but I knew it was what was for the best and I needed to do this.

Once I got back home, the smell of cupcakes filled the house. I walked into the kitchen, after calming myself down, and saw June standing there. 

"Surprise," she smiled at me before walking over to me, pulling me in for a hug. 

"What's all this?" I asked, hugging her back.

"I had a feeling that you'd want some cheering up, so here you go," she laughed, leading me to the bench. 

"Thank you," I laughed before grabbing one. "Where is everyone?"

"Mason and Billy are in Billy's room. He's been freaking out since you left because you left your phone here and he couldn't reach you so Mason's been trying to calm him down."

"I should go find them," I muttered, putting the cupcake down.

I walked towards Billy's room and stopped in my tracks when I heard Mason's voice. "I'm sure she will be fine dude, you know what she's like."

"Yeah, I do and that's why I'm freaking out!" I walked into the room, both their heads snapped towards me before Billy stood up and within seconds I was in his arms. "Thank fucking god!" he sighed in relief as he held me tight.

"I'll leave you too it," Mason said before leaving.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I cried out before burring my face in his chest again.

"Okay, is there anything I can do to make it better?" I looked up at him, grabbed his face and planted my lips on his, earning a soft moan from him. His hands went to my hips. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it off of his body, breaking our kiss. "I don't think this is a good time Liz," he sighed, breathing heavily.

"I need this, I need you," I looked up at him, placing my arms around his neck. "I need you," I repeated.

He looked me up and down before continuing where we left off. He lifted off my shirt and attached his lips to my neck, sending shivers of pleasure through my body, before placing his hands back on my hips, making me jump up as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me over to the bed. He laid me down, carefully, before he stood back up and ripped off my underwear and pants. I laid there, completely naked, watching him examine me before grinning that sexy grin of his. He dropped his pants to the ground before getting between my legs again. He reached over to the draw before I stopped him. He looked at me in confusion. "I trust you," I whispered, staring into his eyes.

"What if I don't pull out in time?" he asked, sort of panicking.

"So be it," I smiled at him before crashing my lips on his again. He hesitated for a while before he finally gave in to me. This is what I needed. This is what I want. Him. Us.

Good Girl Gone Bad - Sequel to Good Boy Gone Bad - *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now